((Author's Note: For warnings and author's notes, please click
here. This entry is in correspondence to the latest RP event by Emerylis, a server-wide epidemic plot! For more info on the event, please read here:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2593048414. I consulted with Emerylis on the nature of the 'disease' and Zaifar has managed to acquire blood samples from patients to explain a bit on it. It has been a fun RP event thus far!
Credit goes to Emerylis on the DCDC statements and plot.))
[IC Journal - Zaifar] Written Journal Entry - "Dalaran Centre of Disease Control"
Official DCDC Statement as of June 11th:
2nd Horde Triage - A new HORDE quarantine zone has been set up in the room south of the Bazaar in Silvermoon City. If you are experiencing symptoms or are concerned as to whether you are infectd or not, head there and the medics will give you a quick diagnosis.
New Testing Kit - The DCDC has devised a new, quick way of testing whether someone has contracted the magical affliction or not. The following is the instructions for use:
1. Spray the clear liquid onto the suspected patient's finger (or toe if they lack fingers).
2. Press that finger onto the provided testing pad (2x2 inches big).
3. If the imprint shows up as: RED = Infected. BLUE = Not Infected. There are NO IN-BETWEENS. The special testing solution reacts with the magical taint in the person's body, turning it either RED or BLUE.
Of course, the new announcement has affirmed my research that is a magical taint after all. No wonder the Undeads are able to be infected by it. After filtering fel energies from the living blood elf's blood sample, it is a foreign kind of magic source.
Day 2 on studying Ezidran Ravenloth. Still no signs of symptoms. Argent Crusader medics are helping me to study the nature of this 'disease'. We thought of consulting the Lifebinder, A'dal and the Dreamer on this matter to seek cure for it. However, these prominent figures will not have time to reach to mortals like us.
This battle against the 'disease' will only be ours to fight.