[IC Journal - Ezidran] I Should Not Hug People

Jun 11, 2011 00:41

((For Author's Note: For warnings and author's notes, please click here. Warning: Coarse language.))

[IC Journal - Ezidran] Written Journal Entry - "I Should Not Hug People"

Shit, I fear I might be infected and a latent carrier at that. I was just trying to help an infected man from going fucking bonkers and realized he was sick and some unknown disease may have been transfused to me. I thought I was going to be okay because I am undead and diseases don't affect me until I read the Dalaran's disease control center's statement that it also affects undeads and advised all infected to go to the Dalaran's quarantine.

Even if I do not show symptoms, I think it's best if I start heading to Dalaran and declare myself as a carrier so I won't infect more living people.

I am still dreading this. This means... I cannot continue the charity event until the disease has been cured. This also means... I cannot return to him yet.

ezidran ravenloth, disease event, ezidran, weirdest trinity of journals

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