((OOC Author's Note: Yes, I'm holding a tiny charity event to help lowbies and even level 85s/people who don't need anything can come along and meet Ezidran and get a hug! Details below. Realm forum topic here:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2548789883 Feel free to spread the word!))
[IC Journal/Event - Ezidran] A Poster - "The Worst Idea E--- [H/IC] Free Provisions for the Poor & Needy!"
For larger image here:
http://i.imgur.com/LjgAo.jpg The poster depicts a rather comical doodle of a blood elf holding a cake and a bag and the text below states:>
I, Ezidran Ravenloth, will be giving away free provisions to the poor, needy and new adventurers alike next week! Will stop by Silvermoon on the first week, then Brill, Sen'jin Village and Durotar on every other weeks.
Wednesday 4pm to 7pm. See y'all there!
- Ezi"
OOC Information!
Date: 1st June 2011 (Happy Father's Day!), then ever other Wednesdays. Days may subject to change.
What is it about?:
New to the server? Starting out a new lowbie char? An Alliance-in-disguise rolling a new Horde toon? Ezidran will be handing out free provisions, such as bags, some gold, gear and well, hugs. If you don't mind hugs from a death knight.
First week on 1st June will be in Silvermoon City, then every other week I will switch to other places. Regardless of your race/level, you're more than welcome to come along to grab some goodies!
Even if you're level 85 or do not need any provisions and just want to come along to get a hug from bad day or need a listening ear ICly, feel free to come have a hug from a... death knight, yeah! Ezidran is nice and won't bite, promise.
And as a disclaimer, yes, I am well aware my character is a death knight. This means he has no standing in the society and will face ridicule for doing this charity act. ICly, Ezidran is quite a derp; a laid-back, down-to-earth death knight who doesn't quite grasp the hostility against death knights. OOCly, yes, I know it's a bad idea ICly but I want to broaden my RP horizons and as well as helping newbies. Hence, this is ok! I am willing to accept any IC conflicts coming to my way.
Whether you are a blood knight who is itching to arrest a suspicious DK giving out goods that might be a threat or an orc who hates death knights for killing his family and wants to spit on Ezidran, go for it! I welcome all forms of RP!
Just take note that no where in my poster says Ezidran is a death knight (unless you know him ICly) and I would not appreciate any metagaming or godmodding.
Thank you for reading and showing interest! I'll see you all there!
June 1st 2011 - Silvermoon City, The Royal Exchange.
June 8th 2011* - Brill, Tirisfal Glades.
June 15th 2011* - Sen'jin Village, Durotar.
June 22nd 2011* - Razor Hill, Durotar.
June 29th 2011* - Thunder Bluff, Central Rise (By the little lake near auctioneers)
July 6th 2011* - Falconwing Square
More to come...
*Dates may subject to change. Will update on this post.