((Author's Note: For warnings and author's notes, please click
here. Warning: Strong language and a perma-raging paladin who can't control his amount of vulgarity usage. This post will be updated often as he meets new people to 'torment'.))
[IC 'Hijacked' Journal - Zain] Written Note - "The Blood Knight, Oh So Cryptic."
Bazlek - Don't even bother.
Melasha - Pass.
Metrem - Pass.
Nurashima - Don't even bother.
Azure - Fail.
Arjhan - Pass, then failed fucking badly.
Zaifar - Pass.
Dynast - Fails like a bitch at times but - Pass.
Ezidran - Semi-pass. Still FUCKING failing.
Valaeli - Fail.
Harper - Pending.
Vaseka - Fuck it. Pass.
Joveen - Pending.
Nameless people - Fail. Fail. Fail.