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[IC Journal/Letter - Ezidran] Letters/Thought Process - "A Letter to Valaeli and Harper, and to Dynast"
Dear Valaeli,
You did not write back nor I heard your voice over Harper's frequency during these two days. Are you alright? Do you need any help (or maybe hugs)?
I hope everything is okay.
If you would like, I would to invite you over to our ship, Nasira, near Vengeance Landing, to have lunch or dinner with me tomorrow.
Please be okay. Take care of yourself.
Your Worried Pa,
Corporal Harper,
Alpharius - Is that the name you gave him? Very bold and strong name it is! I'm happy to hear that Alpharius' doing rather well with you and seems like he is rather active and way too playful. Looks like he has a case of coughing too much hariballs, you need not to collect those... vomit samples. He'll be fine taking those food and medication I have prescribed in the package. I am so sorry about your tabards and sheets that he has torn up.
Kittens are naturally playful and active that way. I sent some toys and a scratchpost over so he can play with and not get your things messed up.
Thank you so much for being such a patient person. I hope some day Alpharius would be a wonderful companion to you. You just seem so lonely, sometimes.
Ezidran Ravenloth.
Dynast, I am feeling better. Dae'delloth has aided in my recovery well.
How was the opera house night, my love? Did you and Zain enjoy yourselves? Was Evariste's show spectacular like they say?
It was amusing to hear his thoughts seeping through the communication during that night.
I want to hold you right now, love.
Can you come back and wrap your arms around me?