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[IC Journal - Evariste] Written Journal Entry - "Literally - Death in the Family"
A few days ago, I have just discovered an uncle that we had thought to be dead was actually alive.
To be precise - Undead. A Death Knight.
Although I was not close to him when he was a living man, the knowledge of having an undead relative among us is still very difficult to process. After all, he is our own kin. I can't help to feel but a vague, dull sort of ache in my heart for him. Before we truly got to know each other, I was avoidant of him, repulsed by his cold exterior. I feel very guilty about it now that I realized he is a relative.
I am not certain if I should go: "I am so happy you're still walking among the living" or "I'm so sad to see you became a death knight."
Would I be insulting him? I think I will just keep quiet about it now.
He was Sortilar Evensong, now Dynast Greythorn. I did not know much about him other than knowing he is my father's elder brother, a unique sort of spellweaver, played string instruments and was quite promiscuous? He had a daughter, my cousin Opheria, whom he raised single-handedly and she still stays in contact with rest of the family faithfully. We met only a few times when I was a youth, did not share more than passing greetings and smiles.
Which reminds me how distant I am from the rest of my family, despite the cheerful, outgoing disposition my family possess.
My parents are musicians and fighters themselves, often travelling to perform and offer mercenary jobs to the Horde's regiments. My relatives, likewise, have their own careers but never fail to acquire artistic theatre talents and hobbies even in times of hardship and war. Nevertheless, the entire family would never fail to hold monthly or annual family gatherings and parties to keep our kinship tight-knit and close. Family ties are very important to us.
If Father knows about Dynast, I'm not too sure how well he would take it. It's hard to reach him currently since he is on a long trip with Mother. The news would have to wait.
As I was informed before, Dynast's husband, Ezidran, wrote me a few times requesting to see Sortilar's portrait. However, he expressed that he is uncomfortable visiting Silvermoon and would like it to be brought outside of the city. While I was not keen about it first, having the reason to protect a family member's portrait since it's the only memory of him, I eventually gave in and brought to Undercity for him to look. Thankfully I am a mage, transportation isn't a big deal for me.
At first, I was quite intimidated by Ezidran. When I thought Dynast was frighteningly chilling with his cold exterior, this man was grim, dark and terrifying at first glance. Dark wild eyes, coarse raven hair and scarred, rotting dusky skin, just like those Scourge lords back in Icecrown - That is until he started grinning excitedly and greeted me with a merry cheer.
What a surprisingly... complete opposite personality.
He was very elated to see his husband's living portrait, even took out one of those gnomish 'image-snapping' machineries to take a picture of it and tried to offer some gold for all the trouble - I declined politely, of course. He expressed how he adored the portrait so much and wants to work into finding out more of his husband's past. I will gladly help him out too. The problem is how very little I know about Sortilar, unless I wait until Father comes back. But as a magister-in-training, I may be able to look up on some records about him. And then there's Opheria too...
At the end of the discussion, he said I looked lonely and tried to offer me a kitten to adopt too. I just... don't get it. I declined too.
It's still great to know a family member is back. I just hope Father would welcome him back among the Evensongs. I'm not too sure if Dynast even wants to, however. He seems unenthusiastic about it nor keen to learn more about his past.
Reminds me, I have to write to Sigrun again sometime. I hope she's doing well.