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[IC Journal - Ezidran] Written Journal Entry - "Unhappy"
I was expecting to slay a mountain pile of cultists yesterday night but it did not happen. Disappointed, I am because I really want to skewer those bastards from inside out.
Adrasteius' aching, panged visage, Avali's mangled body cruxified up above the perch, everyone's tearful eyes.
Dead as I am. I still have people that I love.
I have no idea what will I do without Dynast. I'll probably do something... Stupid.
I just cannot live without him.
I have seen Zain do the stupidest after the deaths of his lovers, even if he denies it.
I am not about to allow this to happen to Adrasteius and his family. He needs Avali, Alrune needs her mother, everyone loves her.
There was a crowd, but many couldn't do a thing. They were way too high up. Avenrue said her arrows would not get a good shot in. So we scaled the walls and heights of Silvermoon, trying to get on the high perch to knock down those bastards and retrieve Avali. But by the time we managed to get up there, those scumbags were gone like the wind. Adrasteius caught her body at least, that was a relief.
I did my part. There was no use getting agitated over this. Protected the 'Sleepers' who were sent into the Dreaming to be guided by the spirits and be led to Avali's soul (A resurrection ritual, I guess). Penwyn and his mates aided in inducing the Dreaming, he had a weird scent, similar to Green Dragonflight. The 'Sleepers' were defenseless, I guarded them, in case the cultists might come to foil Avali's resurrection.
There was another tall Death Knight gentleman telling stories about Pandareans to Alrune, a druid kitty snuggled with her. I think the poor young girl needs all the support she can get to cope with her mother's death. She was strong, though - Strong, intelligent girl. The Bloodspeakers are blessed with such a brilliant daughter.
(Just like him... She's so much like him, when he was her age.)
I brought Zainion to comfort her. She seems happier and comforted after.
I'm so proud of Dynast too, he comforted Alrune with a story. The story he told about the Heron and the Humming Bird was nice, he offered to help repair Avali's body too with Marius. Just watching him did what he could made me smile.
End of the day, Avali was resurrected. I'm glad, I'm relieved.
Of course, the cultists are still out and about. This is not quite over.
As promised to Dynast, after we settled whatever we have left in Silvermoon, we intend to head back to Northrend for a week. No distractions, no heading back to Silvermoon City and Azeroth, except for Ebon Blade matters.
I think we are both tired, weary. Perhaps emotionally exhausted. A vacation in Northrend would do good for both of us. I have to go find a housekeeper soon before we head out to Icecrown.
Zain's training Valaeli, told him to give her a break for today since it's her birthday and go find out what's going on among the Blood Knight ranks.
Reminds me, I have to go buy a cake for Valaeli quickly later on.