Eating your cake and having it in your lap is impossible

Jun 08, 2009 06:49

So Saturday night, me and the ex had a 5 hour AIM conversation in which he admitted that the reason he broke up with me was because he's still in love with his ex (who we also work with. Yeah, he's a manwhore). Oddly, this actually made me feel better because it wasn't like he was rejecting me out right, he just can't love with someone else in his heart and I get that. So we were cool and having a great fucking time and decided we'd go to breakfast on Sunday morning. Everything was cool and work was great. Then he starts hugging me and kissing my neck. Big sloppy kisses. And then he admits that he would love to kiss me. And then I admitted that I had wanted to kiss him the day before. And asked me why I didn't and I said it would have made me cry. It got worse because he then asked what would happen if he did kiss me and I said, I would enjoy it immensely but I'm not a glutton for punishment is I don't know if we should. And then we had a little grope in the back room and then stuff got weird.

I swear, he's got the shortest manic depression cycle I've ever seen. And he's just keeping the nice girl on the hook while he chases the whore. It's infuriating. I may not even be able to be his friend if this keeps up. And it all frustrates me.
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