01. name, age & location: Lia, sixteen, San Antonio.
02. sexual preferance: boys.
03. ten bands:
godspeed you! Black emperor
the number twelve looks like you
babies lunch
the swords project
bright eyes
miko miko
post office gals
04. three movies:
requiem for a dream
city of god
dancer in the dark
05. your favorite mod - any reason? [it wont act against our vote]:
fuckyourmyspace. He was the first one that I saw.
06. promote in 2 journals and give link:
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=king_gordonhttp://www.livejournal.com/users/counterdrug/12004.html 07. pictures. up to 7, no less than 4.
marker, not a moustache.
not a SIF.