Nov 17, 2006 04:58
We had a speaker on the topic a couple of weeks ago. I've begun to wonder what the point of it is. She talked about how porn objectified both men and women, setting up impossible standards for both sexes to maintain. Though the speaker was mainly talking about how women in the industry were abused, I still don't think any of it's good.
Written pornography objectifies the subjects just as much as that which is viewed. It's probably even more dangerous because people think, "Well, nobody real is being hurt." But the reader him/herself is because they begin to see sex as something different than love between two people. It becomes nothing but pleasure, and we know how society is nowadays because we only wish to satisfy the pleasure principle. Look at relationships and divorce rates.
I think it says something negative about our society that it's such a big business, and that it's so prevalent. You can find both pictures and written stories of it anywhere, and with the internet nowadays...hence the addictions.
I dunno. I'm beginning to be more and more unhappy with popular (and even counter cultural [i.e. anime]) portrayals of relationships, beauty, and sex. It's all so dehumanizing.
It'd be nice if it all just went away. Or if people started a good trend by ridding themselves of the junk they had.
(P.S. I know I'm supposed to be in bed, Marc, but I had to pray and then felt I needed to post this.)