Dec 21, 2009 21:08
Title: Not All Things Are As Bad As You Think
Rating: PG 13
Summary: What If Willow Was The One To Go To Hell?
Pairings: W/A and X/S
Chapter 1
Willow, Spike and Xander ran to the mansion. They needed to stop Buffy from sending Angel to hell. They found one of Buffy’s books and saw she had found out that only Angel’s blood was need to stop the portal not him. They knew Buffy was planning on sending Angelus to hell, because she was jealous of his and Willow’s relationship. The first time Willow and Angel laid eyes on each other it was love at first sight. Angel and Spike came to Sunny Dale to help the slayer. They revealed that they were both vampires but were cursed with souls. Spike and Xander got together a few weeks after Angel and Willow. None of them knew about the clause until after Willow and Angel had made love. The clause was that the vampires could not have a moment of true happiness or their souls would be ripped from their bodies. That had happened a month ago. Angelus set havoc against the whole Scooby gang. Spike was a lot of help since he would be able to sense Angelus they were able to stop him from killing people. Willow had found a spell to re-curse her love and then they found what Buffy had. That only his blood was needed to stop Acathla. The three friends ran into the mansion. Xander and Spike got Giles out for his safety, then Spike went to fight against both Buffy and Angel he needed to keep Buffy from sending Angel to hell and he need to keep Angel from killing the slayer. Willow set up on the side getting all the ingredients ready she then said a spell she heard Angel screaming in pain. Once the spell was done she ran over to the group.
“Willow?” Angel asked
“It’s ok Angel.” Willow said and hugged and kissed him. She moved to the side and that was when Buffy slammed the sword through his chest.
“NO!!” Willow screamed
Xander and Spike pulled Buffy away from Angel. Angel stumbled back Willow grabbed his arm. She tried pulling out the sword to throw into the portal but she couldn’t make it budge. She looked down at her hands she had Angel’s blood on them. Willow looked up at Angel. He was so confused he had no idea what had happened or what was going on.
“I love you.” Willow whispered in his ear.
“I love you too.” Angel said
“Take care of them. Don’t ever stop trying to find you redemption.” Willow said as a tear slid down her cheek
“Willow? What are you talking about?” Angel asked
“Just remember I love you and that I am doing this for you.” The redhead said
She walked behind him. She heard Spike and Xander yelling at her to stop. Willow jumped into the portal it closed right away. Angel turned around his head was so foggy.
“Willow?” Angel questioned
Xander dropped to his knees.
“You stupid bloody bitch!” Spike yelled and jumped at Buffy knocking her on the floor where he continued to beat her. He couldn’t kill her though he really wanted to, but he would make her pay.
Giles stumbled into the mansion he looked around and saw Angel looking where the portal had been a few minutes before. Xander was on his knees crying and Spike was beating the living shit out of his slayer.
“STOP!!” Giles yelled
Spike pulled away from the blonde and went to Xander
“What happened?” Giles asked everyone was there but the redhead.
“Giles?” Angel asked turning to the librarian
“Where is Willow?” Giles asked
“She… she stopped the end of the world.” Xander said softly
“What? I thought only Angel could.” Giles said afraid
“No Slutty did some digging and found out only Angel’s blood was needed. She didn’t tell any of us. After Willow re-stored Angel’s soul Slutty slammed the sword through his chest. Xan and I pulled her away from him. Angel was stumbling and Willow caught him and tried pulling the sword out to throw into the portal she couldn’t get it out. She had blood on her hands. So she sacrificed herself for Angel. She jumped in stopping it.” Spike said all his emotions showing
“Willow?” Angel asked again looking around
Xander Stood and walked over to the brown haired vampire. “I’m sorry Angel.”
Angel looked at him confusion showing in his eyes. “Willow?”
Spike walked over to his friend walking him out of the mansion they took him to his and Xander’s place. Angel kept looking around for his Willow.
*why does it feel like I haven’t seen her in a month? Where have I been? Where did Willow go?*
They got to Spike’s and Xander’s leaving the blonde slayer at the mansion.
They went on to explain to Angel what had happened, and how Willow sacrificed herself for the man she loved. Angel cried he couldn’t believe Willow had done that for him. She went to hell so he did not have to. He wanted to kill the slayer for letting this happen.
It was three months later. Buffy left town the week after, after Angel was able to comprehend all that had happened and threatened to kill her.
Angel continued to help fight with Spike, Xander and Giles but he wasn’t the same. He missed his redheaded witch. He only continued to live because Willow had asked him to take care of her friends. He was now living with Spike and Xander. None of them could bring themselves to go back to the mansion.
Willow fell through a portal the opened in the ceiling she hit the floor hard and whimpered. She looked around the room and remembered it.
“Angel?” Willow called out her voice was hoarse. She tried to get up but it hurt too much. She laid down falling asleep.
Willow woke a few days later she was so hungry and thirsty. She fought to get off the floor and stumbled down the hallway to Angel’s bathroom. She drank straight from the tap until she couldn’t drink anymore. She went thought his medicine cabinet where she had kept some of her things finding some Advil she popped four of them in her mouth and swallowed them. She then stumbled into his bedroom going though his closet looking for some clothes. It took her about a half an hour to get dressed every time she moved she would whimper in pain.
She walked out of the mansion trying to keep herself up she was so tired and hungry. It was a long walk to the library. She fell a few times and had to take all the strength she had to pick herself up and continue. It was just before sunset when she walked into the school. She couldn’t go any farther she fell to the floor. Before she past out she called as loudly as she could, “Angel?”
In the library Angel and Spike both stood and looked at each other.
“What is it?” Xander asked as he and Giles walked over to the vampire.
“Willow.” Angel said
“What?” Giles asked
“Willow is here.” Spike said
Both vampires ran from the library the two humans’ right behind them. Angel and Spike skidded to a stop when they saw the redhead on the floor. Giles and Xander stepped beside them and saw their friend on the floor.
“Oh my God.” Giles breathed
Angel dropped to his knees beside her cradling her in his arms.
“We need to get her to the library.” Xander said his voice shaky.
Angel picked her up and a tear rolled down his cheek when he heard her whimper.
Angel laid Willow down on the couch. She had burns and cuts all over her body.
“Spike go and get some water, rags and some peroxide.” Giles instructed.
Spike did as he was told. Angel sat on the floor holding her hand.
“Willow? Willow please wake up.” Angel pleaded
Willow moaned and slowly opened her eyes. “Angel?”
“Willow!” Xander said relieved
“I’m here kitten.” Angel said and kissed her hand.
“Where am I?” Willow asked gruffly
“You’re in the library.” Giles said softly
Spike returned with the items that were needed.
“I’m so hungry.” Willow said
“We’ll get you some food. Right now I need to clean your cuts up.” Giles said, “It may hurt.”
Willow nodded Giles gently cleaned all of her cuts she only flinched a few times but never made a sound. Giles patched her up after he was done cleaning her. Angel never stopped holding her hand while Giles was cleaning her wounds he whispered how much he loved her and would kiss her hand.
Angel slowly helped Willow to sit up, sitting beside her. He continued to hold her hand. He wanted to pull her into his arms but he knew that would hurt her more.
Xander and Spike ran out for some food. They got back about fifteen minutes later. They got all of her favorites, pizza and Chinese and they also picked up her favorite kind of ice cream. They pulled a table in front of the couch and set out all the food for her. Willow quickly grabbed a piece of pizza eating it quickly. She drank some water and continued to eat till she couldn’t eat another bite.
“Tired.” Willow said
“We’ll take you home.” Angel said. He carefully picked her up and kissed her forehead.
“I’ll drive you home.” Giles said grabbing his keys.
A few minutes later they pulled up to their house. Giles walked in with them and Angel took Willow upstairs and laid her on his bed. He carefully covered her with a blanket and she fell asleep quickly. He walked back down stairs and sat in the living room with the rest of the group
“Giles you can stay here. We can make up the guest room.” Xander said
“Thank you.” Giles nodded he didn’t want to go far from the redhead.