Pictures and new journal

Apr 09, 2005 13:08

Hey everyone.

I'm going to start a new journal. Because this one just is too public right now. I'm only going to give it to people whom I feel deserve to read it, will understand my rants, and that I trust. I'm asking that those that I give the name to, don't put it on your friends list, but instead just put it in favorites or something. I want to keep it hidden.

To those of you who I don't give the address to, don't go looking around for it! If I don't give the address to you, obviously, I think you freak instead of understand when I rant. So yeah, just... I'll still post in this one too.'s pictures from the safari!

Dad and me feeding the Walabees!


Baby skunk! eee!

The fat baby ferret!

Baby goats!!!

My family w/ a baby bear cub! eep! It was sooo cute!

Mom, sis, and me with a baby Bengal Tiger! aww! it was sooooo sweet! I wanted to steal it and take it home!

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