this is the sound of my gpa sinking

Oct 03, 2008 16:40

I could create a TV series about the amount of angst I go through for every test.


01. I've been studying for this since last week.
02. This is the most I've studied for anything. Seriously. I only crammed for a day for APs.
03. I really felt I understood the material, inside and out.
04. The questions on the test were totally reasonable.
05. There wasn't enough time.
06. I hate my non-graphing calculator. I was trying to subtract 28.48 from 29.19 and it kept telling me it was 58. Fuck you, TI-36.
07. I left two questions that were eight points each, blank.
08. This test is out of 100.
09. I hope there is a curve.
10. Please let there be a curve.

(coming to LJ on Monday, when I've failed it)

01. It's on 10 chapters.
02. Each chapter has >20 pages.
03. We have to memorize certain groups of bacteria, archaea, and protists.
04. We have to memorize the eons, eras, and periods.
05. He tests on the most specific things.
06. Like things he doesn't even mention.
07. How does the QWERTY keyboard have anything to do with organismal biology?
08. (The answer: it doesn't.)
09. The class average is 60.
10. But apparently there is a girl in the class who does too well.

i hate school, fail life fail, college

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