Aug 28, 2005 01:32
Yeah i know ti's been a long time but oh well. I need to get things in order before I do anything. So now I'm at Boise and it's alright. My new suite mates and everything are cool and I think I'm finally over the intial panick attack of having no friends here in Boise. I tol dmy RA the other night bout me. It was a very uncomfortable to me to tell her but after a few moments of awkward silense I told her about myself. And I know that everyone knows what I'm talking about because if you don't then your dumb. HAHA. Anyway she told me that she was glad I told her and she was honor. She took it really really well and I was glad of that. The next person I told was a girl who lives on my floor. It's weird because you would think that she will be the last person you can ever tell because of what she is. She is ultra christian and all that jazz. Why did I even tell her? Because I had this gut feeling inside of me that told me that it was okay for me to tell her. call it intuition or what not but yeah I told her and she was cool with it. She told me that she didn't approve but it isn't going to stop her from being my friend, her name is Becky by the way and the RA's name is Sioban, or something like that rather..... sounds like Shevan but definantly not spelled that way. Anyway the next person I told was Becky's room mate Devon. She is awesome. Me and her get along so well because we both like country music and we make stupid jokes about the most random thing.(read later to know what kind of things.) The next person to know is one of my suite mate and he just found out today actually, he is Anthony.
Today we went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair and it was fun. I fot a hat made that said, "Gle/Gap" hahaha. YES! Gay Little Eskimo and Gay Asian Person. Funny. Anyway how my suite mate knew was he asked me what the hat meant and me and the two girls, Becky and Devon just started laughing. He kept asking and I guess he felt left out or something and so finally I told him even if I wasn't ready yet but he took it all in good stride. While on the way there me and Devon were singing country music and stuff, like kinda loud, it was fun. I like her like I told her me and her are going to get along great. We got to the fair at about 7:30pm and walked around and got food. I asked my other suite mates earlier if they wanted to come but they never gave me an answer and ignored me. So 9:30 rolled around and then they decided they wanted to come, bastards! Anyway so they ( my other suite mates.... Jake, Havey, Tim, and Dominick) decided to meet me, Anthony, Becky, and Devon at the fair and we wondered around more and hung out. Got my hat done came out to Anthony when me, him, and Devon was alone. Becky was a lil upset cause she wanted to be there. But oh well she was too busy hanging on to Jake, cause he's hot and knows how to play the guitar.....hahaha. Anyway for some odd reason halfway while we were at the fair I got the cable guy's signature line stuck in my head. So I began saying out loud and by the time we knew it me, Devon, and Anthony were screaming out "Get 'er Done!" Eceryone was giving us weird looks but we didnt care.... it was too fun and funny.
Anyway that was my day and update on life.