Apr 19, 2005 02:30
Yesterday a lady in a mini van held up her middle finger at me.... okay not really ... that was part of a country song that I've been obsessed with. "Bumper of My SUV" by Chely Wright... But yeah today in English we talked about how one defines one to be an American and I said Americans are arrogant, ignorant, and self boasting and this guy was like your one too, do you really think so? He's like one of those people who talks a lot and trys to sound smart. I dislike those folks. Anyway to answer his question....fuck yeah I think that about Americans... except me cause I'm Asian so I really don't count. HAHAHA... whatever!... I'm so bad, I think I'm very self centerd, like the people here in Ohio says... I'm brutally honest and save no mercy for anyone...except for me... I lie to myself, but thats okay cause it's me and I'm stupid most of the time.
On a new subject Boise State got Facebook. Yay! I love Facebook. It's addicting. It was about timje dammit. I requested for Boise State Facebook for a long ass time and multiple times.... it probs annoyed the shit out of the web master. But I'm happy about that... everyone in college should get a Facebook.
Anyway This week I have Two midterms...ewwww... math and communications. Last quater I failed Math so I'm trying hard for this one... or at least try harder than last quater which would just require any effort cause last quater there were none. Oh I just remembered that my astronomy midterm is also on Friday so that makes three. Next week is my English midterm.... Who ever heard of a freaking midterm in english... I swear my english teacher is an evil bitch... oh well she stimulates my mind so I like her.
Next subject! GUYS! YAY! Well not really... I'm so sick of guys. They make me sick... maybe I should be straight... you know why? Cause if I was straight I could be a slut and would have slept half the girls on campus... okay not really but you get my drift?... Guys are too complecated sometimes... guys? Am I like that sometimes? Brandy (One of four Ohio BFF HAHA) says I'm very picky and has really high standards, but I think she thinks its okay for me cause she knows me and wouldn't want it any other way... and I think maybe Nancy(One of foiur again) feels the same? I dunno. Freaking guys....they make me sick sometimes...especially the gay one... fucking queers are shallow as fuck. Esp. those in OHIO! I hope my luck is better in hick State Idaho. BSU!!! I'm kinda anxious to go there but not as much as I hate leaving OSU. I realy wanna stay down here but who knows.
So my grandma's sick and my mom flew to Wisconsin to visit and take care of her. My dad told her to stay in Wisconsin and try to find a job... My dad said if she finds one we most likely move to my birth state of Wisconsin this summer. I'm used to the moving all the time. Which makes me thin about MY future. I hope my life would be better than that of my parents but if it doesn't then I still be fine with it. Life does what it wants. As long as I'm happy and that MY FRIENDS are there for me I should be fine. Right guys? You will be there for me right? I know you guys will.