Dec 25, 2004 23:11
Well guys it's finally Christmas. Today I woke up at 4 pm and watched tv. I called my family today to tell them to have a Merry Christmas. Not a lot of words were spoken. My mom answered the phone. I told her Merry Christmas... we talked for a few mintues and then she starts telling me to do my best and that I was my two younger brother's role models. I told I will and that I am and that I passes this pass quater with a 3.53 GPA(WoOOOOOhoooooOO). Then she starts saying how sorry she and Dad is for not any any money to send to me for Christmas and she started to cry. She said she and Dad are trying their hardest and they're both sorry that they couldn't do more. I cry when she told me this. I know they are and I don't blame them for anything. We may not agree on most things and stuff like that but I still appreciate what they do and I know they love me. But I don't think they think that. I think that they think that I think that they dissapointed me. Which is far from it. I'm proud of them. Proud of all the things they've done. My mom passed the phone to my dad and he said merry Christmas to me too. I told he the same and he asked me what I was doind for break. I said, "Nothing cause there's nothing to do and no money to do anything." There was a really long pause on the phone. I knew they were there cause I could hear my 5 year old brother talking in the back ground. That's when it occured to me that my dad was crying. I felt bad for saying what I said. I think my dad got the impression that I was dissapointed in them that I wished I had some moeny. Which thats wasn't what I was trying to say at all. Then my mom came back on the phone saying that Dad couldn't speak... so she told told me they loved me and I told them that I loved them all and she hung up.
I watched Oprah today and thinking about what happened today I just want to write to her telling her about my family's story and how proud they make me and hoping she'll give us presents....haha .... I know it sounds kinda weaselish(if that's a word) but I can dream can't I? My life sucks but I love it and enjoy it. You just cannot hate life and never enjoy then you'll just be a very bitter person. That's not what I want to be and I hope someday I'll be rich and proud and then I'll buy my parents a home to live in....hahaha.