Jul 16, 2005 23:19
Yeah so i went shopping today, and got a whole bunch of stuff. that's basically all i have to say about my day.
So maybe If I ramble on about whatever then I'll have an interesting entry so that you can all read it.
I didn't run today...i'm sad about that. That makes me scared, because I usually think "running...evil". But, it's the best way to get awesome results with Atkins. Seriously you lose a pound the day after you run....pretty sweet. I dont know wher eI'd be without low carb ice cream and low carb candy, really. Oh yeah and cheese and eggs, yeah i'm talking about food now great. Hey it's 11:31 and i'm wide awake what do you expect from someone like me.
I was at the mall by myself and it was good. I had a lot of thoughts...sort of weird,m cynical phrases that artsy/emo peple woudl put in their away messages. Things like "Wanted: tiny women with thin ankles who rip your heart in two. Those three intimidate me so much, I could make a made for tv movie about it." That's the only one I can remember. Maybe that's the only one I had. Then there were more normal phrases like "I would prefer him being gay, becaue then he wouldn't like me because I was a girl, not because I wasn't the right type of girl." or "He just wants a girlfriend or some type of love. She's just what he decides to dwell on. if there someone attractive enough, he'd date her just to feel loved by someone beautiful. too bad for me" Mind you, these thoughts have been molded a bit to sound more complete righ tnow, but it's call coming from my one place(my brain) so it's all good.
So tomorrow(Sunday), is youth group for Pleasant Street Church from 6-8. If you're bored and you wanna come, then you should. Just make sure you know me cause that would be weird if a total stranger came to our youth group...I really hope more than 3 people are there cause it would be depressing if there weren't.
still not getting this tag concept