The observation you've made is something that everyone should realize. When you realize that you know, for the most part, you're not going to be able to see someone and yet you say that you'll be friends forever, you are showing the hope that you have. If you always took a realistic view on things you would find that you have little or no friends. It's part of being human. The want to keep things that make you happy, people that make you happy. I would say that without what has been shown here you wouldn't be human, or so jaded by reality that life in general is a waste for you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has seen this. I'm not alone an neither are you.
If you are trying to define love you are wasting your time. I tried to do that and it just doesn't happen. You'll find that love is one of those things that if you try and understand it and define it the less of it you'll find. I have my beliefs on what it is but I do not actively seek it; it finds me. One thing I do know is that love comes on many different levels so I can honestly tell you that you do love someone and I love someone and everyone loves someone, but that's about it.
May the light in your life never dim yet never be so bright that it doesn't allow you to walk the path safely.
You may take or leave my words it is your choice, but I hope you may find some comfort in them.
I would strongly have to disagree with you. I don't use friends as a comfort because quiet frankly I am perfectly content being alone, in fact I value my alone time. The way you make it sound is more of a dissillusionment that everyone lives with and the only way to be happy is with those fake friendships. Friends aren't there for that. They are there to serve as a relationship to be built upon to get to better learn about yourself and themselves. In that process after much time love is established. Although, you do make some good points.
The observation you've made is something that everyone should realize. When you realize that you know, for the most part, you're not going to be able to see someone and yet you say that you'll be friends forever, you are showing the hope that you have. If you always took a realistic view on things you would find that you have little or no friends. It's part of being human. The want to keep things that make you happy, people that make you happy. I would say that without what has been shown here you wouldn't be human, or so jaded by reality that life in general is a waste for you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has seen this. I'm not alone an neither are you.
If you are trying to define love you are wasting your time. I tried to do that and it just doesn't happen. You'll find that love is one of those things that if you try and understand it and define it the less of it you'll find. I have my beliefs on what it is but I do not actively seek it; it finds me. One thing I do know is that love comes on many different levels so I can honestly tell you that you do love someone and I love someone and everyone loves someone, but that's about it.
May the light in your life never dim yet never be so bright that it doesn't allow you to walk the path safely.
You may take or leave my words it is your choice, but I hope you may find some comfort in them.
Of course what do I know.... I'm blind.
Although, you do make some good points.
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