Jul 24, 2006 01:37
The siren began blaring its compelling noise calling you to get on and go away...run away with it like all the others before. Nobody would have to know. It could swifty take you away from everything to that same destination every time for the full ride of half way it'd get you there. No questions...no answers...just go for something anything for adventure to find yourself and loose yourself however you wish to take it. One cart was open, others closed. The train called to you to have an escape and find and loose yourself in the mountains and nature. People of every height, manerism, beliefs, look, faith, every person of any kind got on...all you needed was a ticket stub and time. The seats were all numbered, no confusion there. You take yours, she takes hers, and he takes his...you'd get to the same place just as swiftly or as long as you felt the trip. It took it's toll on many, some just plain indiffernt, others loved it...and then there was one. She was a small girl, young woman you could say depending at what angle you saw her from, and how much you wanted to lie to yourself. She sat there in her seat, wore a brown pair of sunglasses, a sweater, and intook it all. The swaying from side to side and the nagging on the constant thud of the steel wheels hitting the wooden track became comforting to her. They passed by the mountain cliffs, birds of all sorts, cliffsides and streams that would take your breath away. The river ran along side the train and at every other instant it seemed the rapids with its cool blue waters would encounter more rocks and more debry to hit against and crash and roar in it's gaining power by overcoming it's obstacles. The trees were beautifully green and others just plain dead from the fires before. The sunlight streamed in through the clouds and kissed the cheeks of the passangers and the wind blew in just enough to hug the passangers and make them that much more comfortable. Nature consumed around the train and welcomed us into it's artistic unique ways of being so imperfect that made it so absolutely beautiful and perfect in it's ways...peace and freedom. The train descended down the mountain side steady...swiftly...churning it's engine constantly beating and the siren at key points screaming at the top of it's lungs to hear it's fury ans strength making it's presence known and the smoke drifting from the head. The hours passed by...
The girl sat there...stood up...reached her hand out to try and touch the beauty of it but then realized what harm she would do to it by doing so if not just to look at it even that could be a sin because no one should ever see anything as beautiful as that seen in all the story books she had seen before. It was inner peace there and to disturb it would be wrong...but just one touch would be enough to know if it really was real. Sometimes you could touch the huge boulders of granite that lined the train passing...passing...and other times the train swayed the other way and she just had to take it on faith that it was real. It swayed more and some got sick and she didn't. She knew the feeling too well before. Every turn was sharp but like a balley she saw after a while of thinking how it all worked together. The train made random turns it seemed along here and along there and had it's different switch tracks that could be changed with one handle but then would always end up at point b. She learned more about life in that instant then she could have ever realized. She thought of the beauty of it all and thought about why she tried to reach out. Did she want the proof without simply taking it on faith. And she wondered if every jerk was another random movement but she knew by the rhythmic beating of the track that that what it was exactly. A track. A path that while you couldn't necessarily see where it would lead to you'd stay on it and avoid the danger of the cliffs. Sure different tracks would present themselves compelling to change ways but always staying on that track and she imagined that was exactly what God's masterful plan was. You could only see the past for so long to know where you came from and learn of its ways to predict the future but even then the next turn would lead to something more beautiful and sometimes as unpleasent but there at the point needed. It followed the river with it's obstacles guiding it to learn from it and the path it should take through the woods. It wasn't random afterall but rather a pre-destined way with everyone's fate the same but with different destinations and experiences that they took with them by where they sat different views. She'd turn to the other side of the cart to see what was on the other side and after trying her luck she learned that sometimes looking out your own window is the best view and sometimes the other side isn't always what it's made out to be. Her eyes started to swell with tears as she thought of her own life and how far it's come and how beautiful and unique everything was around her. once in a lifetime. She was speechless. She closed her eyes and opened them and realized that she was still wearing her sunglasses. She decided to take them off because she wanted to know what it would look like without the protection and false view presented in front of her by looking through the darked eyes. She removed them and squinted. It almost hurt her and she looked around at the company around he and saw just how many others were wearing the false views. Without them everything was so much more vivid and brighter, truly how it was and not behind a shred of lies. Things were just as they were plain and simple and magnificent in their own way, real and true. And then she thought of what it would have been like if she wouldn't have taken them off and how others would go through the journey without every seeing things and people for how they really were but through the false views. Then she noticed her eyes started to sting and the company became darker with the ashes from the burning coal of the smoke. She looked up and saw the smoke coming out from the tunnel. It came out strong from the source and slowly as it descended higher started to blend in with the blue sky and could only be seen with the white cotton candy cloud background. The smoke was polluting the nature of things. It starts with a source and slowly makes it's place in the world...corrupting it until it feeds into it so much that you hardly notice it until you compare it against the white of things...the clouds. Then she wondered how she made her mark in life and if she was part of that smoke...and realized in that instant how easy it was so say or do something of ill or good consequence to have it spread and become part of the world and her until it consumes it or fades away...still leaving a lingering presence. For the good or the bad. She sat there some more. She swayed from side to side as she subconsiously repeated the rhythmic swaying motion of the train. She closed her eyes and intook the sounds and smell of it all. Wished she could stay there for a little bit longer...forever to know her place and journery and when she started to see the complexity of the train and compare it to her life she realized she wasn't that much more different than the train and it's nature. The trees she passed by were her memories, the track--God's way and masterful plan that while she had many paths to take she could decide for herself and in the end would end up at point b--the end of the road, the river and bridges the obstacles overcome and to be overcomed. She sat there and slowly the train began coming to it's final destination. They passed through the town and people waved. Civilization is what it came down to. The hours slipped out of her hands and just like that the escape was over the adventure. She began thinking to herself and all this as she writes this here before you and realizes she got more than a ticket stub out of it all but really the adventure begins the second you want it to. THe second your train decidedes to blow it's whistle and leave the station. The track is unknown and rocky and jerky but it has it's way and nature, God, the river, everything you've ever known both in the then and now will get you there. It's just a matter of you deciding which track to take and finding the adventure and beauty in your own life...choo choo!