May 20, 2005 22:44
remember that "thong bitch"? well i finally showed her when i told her to SHUT THE FUCK UP! cause she- of course-was bitching about another F i got in French, i mean why the hell does she care? so like before she could get 3 words out, i was just like shut the fuck up and she said you need to take a chill pill but then i stopped her and was like i am so sick and tired of your nasty remarks about MY grades so t'hen she didn't say another word and i ignored her the rest of class. i rocked at that shit and actually knew and even acknowledged it. that progress for me anyways.
no one stripped today for nikki's celly on the telly so i think ::cough,cough::amaris::cough,cough:: was disappointed for not getting any "action" on her part anyways.
i actually got to talk with my sis ter and that was a lotta fun- seriously i love her man
i had soo much fun with lee and carol-anne tonight you have no idea. and i saw waaaay too many people there. but now...........what we've all been waiting for(really just me and carol-anne, screw the rest)THE O.C.!