Mar 08, 2007 13:53
So, I missed out on some stuff yesterday.
I'm sorry.
My car is dead and I didn't think I could get there anyway or get a hold of you to tell you at that.
I'm sure you were good.
I spent yesterday doing homework with my study buddy Eric.
I'll spend today doing homework with my bud buddy Mindy Lee.
I'm watching Taylor molest Courtney right now.
I'm watching an emo kid draw a self portrait right now.
We were told today in Statistics that we can drop the class after Monday if we want to.
Of course I was one of the people to ask about it.
However, I have been doing much better in the class lately since I've actually taken an interest in it.
Mrs. Haynie told me that my "light has come on" and she "can see it in [my] eyes."
She doesn't think I should drop it, and she's not just saying that to be a supportive adult, she was telling people that they should drop the class if she thought that it was a waste of time on both her part and theirs.
So I guess I'm in it for the long run.
I'm going to need it for college anyway and if I pass the test it will take the place of a math credit for me!
I'm going to be stuck with statistics for the rest of my life, I might as well embrace it for it's lovliness.
It does involve a lot of analyzing, something fun for me, and a lot of written explanations, something else fun for me.
I'm not going to lie, I'm enjoying it a little bit.
There really just isn't anything worth writing about right now.
Nothing has changed in my life lately.
I'm bored.
I'm going to punch Taylor in the face now.