We're now living in the Mirror Universe

Jan 21, 2017 21:27

Several months before the election -- back when we all thought there was essentially zero chance that Donald Trump could be elected president -- I read a TOS fan fiction story set in the Mirror Universe.  It included the cute little throw-away detail -- not at all the point of the story -- that the Mirror Universe had diverged from the regular universe in 2016, when Trump was elected POTUS.  "Heh," I thought at the time, "That's cute.  And any people dumb enough to elect Trump president probably deserve to live in the Mirror Universe."

Well, here we are.  How long before agonizers are invented?  How long before assassination is a reasonable and accepted means of advancement?  How long before the people in charge simply bomb any nation that doesn't agree with them into rubble?

With a man like Trump in the White House, this seems far less whimsical and far-fetched than it should...

How come there's never a good ion storm when you need one?  I want to transport back to the real universe!
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