Going to SpockDoc

Jun 26, 2016 20:18

Adam Nimoy - Leonard Nimoy's son - is making a movie that's supposed to be partly a celebration of Spock and partly a celebration of Leonard Nimoy, in honor of the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. It's called For the Love of Spock, though Adam frequently refers to it as "SpockDoc."

He got the funding for the movie through Kickstarter, and if one backed his kickstarter at the appropriate level, the perk is a backer-only showing, a few months before the movie actually comes out.

Those backer-only showings are happening in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston.  (Boston isn't that big of a city, but since it's Leonard's hometown, he had lots of ties here, and Boston remained special to him even 60 years after he'd left it.)  I backed the kickstarter at the appropriate level, so Norman and I are attending the local backer-only showing of the movie tomorrow (Monday).

I read Adam Nimoy's autobiography and was decidedly underwhelmed.  He LOOKS  a great deal like his father, but his essence is completely different.  His autobiography made it clear that he had a great deal of resentment towards his father and towards both Spock and Star Trek for taking up so much of his father's time and attention.

When Adam was soliciting funds for the kickstarter, I told him that I'd read his autobiography, and while I sympathized with the challenges involved in being the child of a celebrity, it wasn't clear to me that HE was the right person to make a movie celebrating either his father or Spock.  He replied by thanking me for being one of the twelve people who actually read his autobiography :-), and by saying that he and his father had had a rapprochement in the years since his book was written, and he was now in a very different place.

It was the right answer, but I'm still a little nervous about what we're going to see tomorrow.  You've probably heard all the stories about Leonard's goodness, how he wasn't just a fine actor but also did a variety of ethical things, when no one else (e. g. Shatner) would.  So not only do I admire Spock, but I've come to admire Leonard Nimoy as well, and as more than just an excellent actor.  I'm really hoping that the movie isn't going to sneer at my love or trample all over it.

I guess I'll see, tomorrow!
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