Are we nuts?

Feb 14, 2016 13:04

Background:  I'm working on a Starfleet career for a computer game called The Sims 3, so yesterday and the day before, I spent the day knee-deep in computer code.  My husband, Norman, is a professor of computer science at a nearby university.

At dinner last night, I had trouble hearing Norman, and he asked me if I had my hearing aids in.  The answer was that I had one in my right ear but didn't have one in my left ear (because the left ear itches a lot).  I was chewing -- we were eating dinner -- and I didn't want to talk with my mouth full.  So I held up one finger next to my right ear, making a one and made a circle with my thumb and forefinger next to my left ear, making a zero.

Norman looked at me.  "You just answered me in binary!"

Norman and I have been together for thirty years.  It's possible I'm losing the ability to communicate with normals ... assuming I ever had it. :-)

I'm usually so very verbal that I joke that an analysis of my DNA would show me to be made of words, rather than of the usual chemicals.  But fill my head with computer code for a couple of days in a row, and I guess my mind starts to adapt to its new circumstances. :-)
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