
Jan 26, 2009 22:38


Not as easy as you might think. Remember: one word answers to the following 34 questions.

1. Where is your mobile phone?: Purse
2. Your significant other?: Completion
3. Your hair?: Growing
4. Your mother?: Fading
5. Your father?: Loving
6. Your favourite thing?: Passion
7. Your dream last night?: Sex
8. Your favourite drink?: Coffee
9. Your dream/goal?: Satisfaction
10. The room you're in?: Comfy
11. Your ex?: Many
12. Your fear?: Loss
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?: Better
14. Where were you last night?: Home
15. What you're not?: Perfect
16. Muffins?: Cake
17. One of your wish list items?: Couch
18. Where you grew up?: Suburbs
19. The last thing you did?: Tea
20. What are you wearing?: PJs
21. Your TV?: Bones
22. Your pets?: Love
23. Your computer?: Dysfunctional
24. Your life?: Progress
25. Your mood?: Relaxed
26. Missing someone?: Always
27. Your car?: Non-Existant
28. Something you're not wearing?: Rings
29. Favourite Store?: Electronics
30. Your summer?: Work
31. Like someone?: Yes
32. Your favourite colour?: Purple
33. When is the last time you laughed?: Hours
34. Last time you cried?: Laughing
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