[Character Name] Experiment 626 or Stitch
[Canon] Lilo & Stitch
[Point Taken from Canon] Right after the first movie
[Age] Unknown
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Straight but not interested Unless you're Angel 8|b
[Eye Color] Black
[Hair Color] Blue fur bb~
[Height] Kinda short 8|a Stitch and Lilo are roughly the same height if he stands on two feet
[Other] He has two extra arms, antennae, and three spikes on his back
[Clothing] Stitch is naked. But he has an Elvis costume and a Hula outfit though.
This is like spoilers for the entire movie =Db
Stitch is an alien, the 626th experiment created by Jumba Jukiba, in his attempt to destroy the entire galaxy with a blue creature of total destruction and chaos.
Not expecting 626 to be a fluff ball with distinguishably "adorable" qualities that some hold dear though, does not deter Jumba from considering to release this experiment to wreak havoc on the universe. He almost finishes charging his project, only to be apprehended by the Galactic Alliance.
The pair was put on trial under the Grand Councilwoman. After deeming the both
of them a threat, Jumba was incarcerated while 626 was to be exiled on an asteroid. However, the experiment was able to escape while held in captivity on the mothership, steals a red police car, and crash lands on Earth.
Because of this incident, the Grand Councilwoman reluctantly enlists the help of Jumba. He and Agent Pleakley must recover 626 without using any unnecessary force or drawing any attention to themselves.
The movie then shifts to a Hawaiian island called Kauai. Here, we meet Lilo, a little girl who isn't exactly like little kids her age. She feeds peanut butter sandwiches to a fish named Puff who she believes controls the weather. While other little girls played with baby dolls, Lilo has a rag doll named Skrump who has "spider eggs in her ear." These little eccentricities made Lilo an deviant among her peers, earning her the nickname "Weirdlo" The sad thing is that the girl still considers these horrible little girls as her friends! Remember the "My friends need to be punished." scene?
Not to mention that her older sister, Nani, is on thin ice with a "social worker" named Cobra Bubbles best name EVER 8Db. The older girl has been taking care of Lilo ever since their parents died in a car accident. Because of the fact the Nani's very young (19 if my memory serves me right), doesn't have a stable job, and Lilo getting into fights, Cobra feels that it would be better if Lilo was put into foster care.
If that was Lilo's life before Stitch came along, imaging how topsy-turvy it became when he did!
So, back to 626. He survived the crash landing but was then run over by a big rig truck, knocking him unconscious. He later wakes up in an animal shelter, apparently passing as some breed of dog. There he meets Lilo who just happened to be in the animal shelter that day, looking for a dog to take in as a pet. Lilo took a liking to 626 instantly, naming him 'Stitch' and took the blue fur ball home.
Knowing that the Galactic Alliance is after him, Stitch came to the conclusion that he must use his new "master" as some sort of shield. With Lilo around him, he was untouchable to whoever was sent to recapture him due to the Grand Councilwoman's orders to not use force while capturing Experiment 626. This line of thinking amazes and frustrates both Jumba and Pleakley when they landed on Earth. Jumba wanted to go all out Rambo on 626 while Pleakley insists that they do this peacefully (he believes that mosquitoes are an endangered species and they should tread lightly |DD).
Living with Lilo and Nani proved to be a challenge for the alien dog. Stressed from the pressure being put upon her by Cobra Bubbles, Nani isn't exactly thrilled at the antics Lilo and her new dog are going through. Because of the duo, the older girl hasn't had much luck in finding a job and Lilo is getting closer being put into foster care. It's during his stay with the sisters that 626 starts to question the nature of his programming.
Stitch is alone, away from major cities with only left shoes to draw out his programming. Though he might be destructive, he begins to yearn companionship that Lilo offers, and he soon begins to accept - yet not without a few hitches a long the way. All he has ever known was to destroy and cause utter chaos. But as he struggles to understand the concept of a family, "ohana", Stitch grows attached to Lilo, willing to go to space when Captain Gantu accidentally captures her in his place.
After having a fight with epic proportions Jumba, Captain Gantu, and then ultimately destroying Nani and Lilo's house, the madness was put a stop by the Grand Councilwoman herself (and surprisingly, by ex-CIA agent Cobra Bubbles). Stitch was already willing to go quietly (after saying a few words) but Lilo presents the certificate she received at the dog pound. Technically, if the Galactic Alliance took 626 away, they would stealing Stitch from Lilo. Thanks to that "loop hole, the Grand Councilwoman placed Stitch under Lilo's care and now the little girl is under protection of the Galactic Alliance.
Stitch, Pleakley, and Jumba are now living with the two sisters. They even repaired the damage done to their house and added nifty features like an elevator going up to Lilo's bedroom!
626 finally has a family to call his own. It may be small and broken, but it's still good. Still good.
Before he met Lilo, Stitch was programmed to be a monster. At the beginning of the movie, he was mocking the Grand Councilwoman, licking the capsule like a popsicle and swearing in their alien tongue. He can also be cunning, ruthless, and manipulative just so he can protect himself from the clutches of the Galactic Alliance (i.e. 626 was willing to use a little girl as a human shield so he can be untouchable).
He was rather frustrated during his time in Kauai because he couldn't carry out his "purpose", that is to destroy. Oh, he would break various household items and other things that happened to be in his way--usually on purpose or by accident--but it still wasn't enough for the blue fur ball. Anymore time spent on the island and he would probably gone berserk.
But then, he got to know his "human shield" a little better. Lilo was patient with him and she was possibly the only person who believed that there was a bit goodness inside of him. Because of this, Stitch was becoming more self-aware of what he is: was he only meant for destruction or was he meant for something else all together?
The part of the movie that best exemplifies this was when Stitch found a story book of the Ugly Duckling and felt sympathy towards the little duck. The page he chanced upon was the Ugly Duckling crying out:
I'm lost!
In a way, both Stitch and the Ugly Duckling were yearning for the same thing: to be accepted and loved by the people they care about.
The furball knows and understands now, that family is not a simple word: 'Ohana' means family. 'Family' means nobody gets left behind... or forgotten.
To quote Jumba from the movie, "He is bulletproof, fireproof, shockproof and can think faster than super computer. He can see in the dark and can move objects 3,000 times his size. His only instinct - to destroy everything he touches!".
He can also back up sewers, reverse street signs, steal everyone's left shoe, and reek havoc in major cities.
Stitch also displays the ability to adapt into a new environment, assimilating English and a little bit of the Hawaiian language during his stay on Earth. He's very resourceful and very handy with tools (626 was able to make a bomb out of a plasma bolt, Lilo's doll Skrump, and a roller skate for chirstsakes!).
He can drive any type of motor vehicle (even spaceships via hot wiring if he doesn't have the key), fire lasers and canons, skilled in hand-to-hand combat (with two or 4 arms), stick to walls like Spiderman and can roll himself into a ball. Stitch also has a keen sense of smell besides being able to have a highly advance sense of sight.
If he did go to the "dark side", humanity and the planet Earth would be so screwed.
[Affection] If Stitch likes you, hugs are okay. If not... then, I hope you're not too attached to any body parts...
[Fighting] Despite how he looks, Stitch is one hell of a fighter (more so if he brings out his extra arms). He's agile and very resourceful and can wield an array of weapons. (will edit this part later 8|a)
[Other Permissions] Well, telepaths can try to read Stitch's mind. But remember that Experiment 626 is an alien therefore his thoughts are not in plain, human English. Plus, Jumba stated in the movie that Stitch's brain is like a super computer. Good luck to ya in understanding his gibberish!~
Mm, fourth wall breakers... if it's a character who would have knowledge of the movie or who if your name is Sora :D, then break away! /o/ The only thing I don't want to be relieved yet is Stitch's past. He'll be dreaming about it very soon.
[Other Facts]
Stitch is horribly afraid of water. His body composition is so dense that he will sink like a rock if he ever tried swimming (blame Jumba for making him that way : <). He likes surf boarding though 8D. He also likes Elvis (he even has a costume!), plays the guitar and can do a mean hula.
And apparently, he makes a very good stereo. O_oa;; You ain't nuthin but a hound dog~~
P.S. He likes being FLUFFY! 8D~