So. Why did I not post yesterday?
Poll So. Dad came back early today, for my brother's birthday tomorrow. And he brought back a few dvds and things. I will post a list tomorrow I am quite happy with a few of them (especially if they work! Since they are those Indonesian copies...) And the other day I received my books that I ordered from winning a week of Specky Magee footy tipping! Will try to post pictures...if not sufficient squeeing will have to suffice.
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I haven't been closely following vblogbrothers/nerdfighters/the Green brothers for awhile, though I saw recently John needing to buy tights in Target and wondered this is why. He had to do a punishment video! I was laughing where Yeti laughs (Katherine presumably is filming).
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Oh. I watched Lie to Me today (which I had recorded from ages ago but kept putting off) and it was brilliant! 2x12 Sweet Sixteen. Backstory! I loved that. I don't always go for backstories, it can feel overused (NCIS's) but it was great. BUUT. Now I just watched the first 10 minutes of 2x21 and WHOA MAMA.
I was just attacked by a freakin' fat moth in my own room!!! *looks around on edge*
I saw it earlier today but HOW DID IT GET IN HERE?!? I am not afraid of them nor dislike them but IT FLEW AT MY HEAD OUT OF THE BLUE. :/