Well NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles was shown again tonight! I mean I was pretty glad but it doesn't help the channels when they don't stick to their programming...channel 7 also re-aired the "fast tracked", 'Flashforward'. I didn't watch it tonight nor the other night. Maybe later? *shrugs*
Soo some first episode thoughts on NCIS, NCIS:LA and CSI. :)
If you don't want ramblings/details, summary =
1. NCIS, I enjoyed (though there were a few plot & character discrepancies for me)
2. NCIS:LA , Really liked, it was definitely an 'action' opener/what I expected we will be seeing more of seeing as its ncis' branch 'special ops'
3. CSI, was pleasantly surprised! Not awesome, but after 5 seasons which shows can really bring something to the plate without ruining the rest of their format? I won't spoil the surprise (unless you read under the cut) but there was some really nice touches. And most of the "jokes" were really cute and funny ones. :) Not the csi's customary tongue in cheek type remarks like: *set scene dead gambler in stables, with his torso missing ie. back/stomach* comment is "Well. I guess he won't be backing his horses now will he?" I'm not against those remarks in practise or on the csi shows...but for the first ep it stood out for me.
First off I didn't LOVE it. But I also didn't HATE it. In fact I quite enjoyed it. I did feel as it wasn't really NCIS as it was mainly to get find out how Ziva was and rescue her if needed. So it didn't disappoint. No I really liked the humour of the min plot line of trying to find a female agent to fill the gap left by Ziva. I didn't really like the hard agent who reminded me too much of Ziva (exaggerated of course...hm or was it?), and the one they started with the short hair? Who seemed pretty good by but bolted as soon as she found them contemplating hacking Vance or Mossad that was amusing...but I do feel glad that she got out. She would have had to adjust to a whole different family, which considering how mainstream she was I wouldn't have wished on her, me on the other hand? Where can I sign up?? Ziva/Tony (TIVA if you muust), wasn't shoved in my face as much as I thought possible...but I feel/hear it gets worse. *sigh* Ziva should just move to England. They have terrorists there....she can liaison there. And call them every holiday season. :P I'm not a stab Ziva fan, I doo like her...except the ep where Ziva first works a case (observing) with ncis was on after NCIS premiere and....I must say. Ziva was more human then. Very much so. I know she just killed her brother and new country and all but...she'd done missions and stuff before...you'd have thought she would have been colder/closed off more... just a note.
Back to the ep. The line where Tony goes 'I couldn't live without you...I guess.' Didn't seem too romantic to me. I felt that he just wanted to make sure that he didn't cause the loss of another (female) agent, if possible. He seemed so much lighter when he saw her face, just like i i die now thats fine, because i tried to help this time. Because with Kate and Jenny (and to some extent Michelle) he really hadn't or couldn't try at all. Abby and McGee are more mature, I loved how McGee and DiNozzo seemed to take each other less for granted and spent more time off duty with each other. Abby hopefully stays this way, the writers back tracked a little with her last season or two and she became childlike again. She can have days where she's hyper, but there's a difference between petulant, playing and whining. Now.
For the annoying/bad bits: Tony seemingly unable to see so many Gibbs communications/thoughts, it was wtf happend Tony? I know you're feeling a little messed up without the person you kind of sent away...but you and Gibbs were so in sync last season!! What is going on!? and there was a little recognition at the point where Heather Kincaid (yes i totally missed that in the first watching! KINCAID. And just like the Georgina in Richelle Mead's books, Heather has a Seattle based family in the PD. I wonder if Kincaid is a really popular Seattle family name? Any Seattlites out there?) was told they weren't hiring anymore. I really liked Heather...well she was trying a bit too hard but it was a job interview and times were/are tough. So where was i? Oh yeah. Gibbs and Tony explain at the exact same time who dealt the drugs then almost O.D himself, stalk out, look at each other then walk off separate ways. They've done that too many times. One of these days they'll have to walk towards each other (and Torchwood style) intensely look at each other and kiss. ;) Gibbs seemed amused and surprised that it took Tony over 5 months to insist on tracking Ziva. That or surprised Tony could hold out that long. Did not just think how long he could hold out for something else. hey its TONY we're talking about. Gibbs sniper, yes, people hot. In swamp hill camouflage? Even better. ;) But superhero Gibbs was wayy too quick getting inside the building. Even for Gibbs. It would have taken them a while to free themselves and walk/limp to the door I do realise. But if they want us to presume Gibbs shot the 2nd man? Hell even with a dune buggy or helicopter lift he wouldn't have made it. So I assume, 2nd man killed by another ncis/marine person, and the helicopter sound was for Gibbs. It had a ladder and he held on while it dropped him off. The other few seconds lapse is all pure GIBBS. I can ignore the Gibbs speed if the next ep is good. Ziva. I agree, why she did she think she deserved it? I kind of get (only kind of), why she stopped fighting and said she was ready to die? that i i do not get! Ziva was trained by Mossad! She had missions under her belt! She had SURELY been beaten/hostaged before, if not real but for training. So this I still cannot get past. I can get past Tony being oblivious to Gibbs' ways, I can forgive Gibb's super human transport skillzz without running out of breath.... but I cannot get past Ziva giving up! o_O
Really really liked it. Won't be as long winded as ncis, sorry 'bout that! Leads, good looking. New place even better looking! But so less rag to riches look for the base. Hetty is lovely. I do so adroe Linda Hunt in Without a Trace interrogating Jack. And now I get to see more! A mix of Ducky and Abby really. Where did that blonde leader go? She didn't really have any character apart from back ground with Gibbs, but where did she go?? I guess Callen has back story with Gibbs, we'll have to wait for that one then eh? Even though blonde (macey) agents story with Gibbs finished, i thought she'd be there still. Vance, via satellite? meh, i guess its fine. NCIS writers doo have a problem with writing and keepign females. There is too much male in LA, they need another female. But even saying that, they seem to have too many characters already. sure the numbers will help on their big ops, but does Greeny (ie probie) and the other more techie guys really need to be in so many scenes then? Don't they have other cases? The place was bustling enough when Callen first entered to seem like they would. I'll like it when greeny has his "episode" but for now too many characters and not enough females. But I reallly like it still. Hopefully they'll see sense and even though people watch it they will change the order around.
LOVE. I didn't know i'd miss it so much. Characters great. Whats with the missing Riley thing though? And her saying Catherine can't hold the team together due to lack of communication? I thought she liked it there... perhaps getting a bullet thrown around isn't the best working situation? Why is Greg all insecure? Pray tell. Sara! Sara! Sara! ^^ she came back for a bit! Haha. Told Cath what to do, promote Nick! :D And Nick is really learning this whole bug thing, isn't he? He lost his tarantula though...and found Grissoms old one! Hehehe. Sara married to Grissom! :D Shoot out in the lab? Not again!? What is it with their security...and Russian mobs? CSI:Miami is being currently (season 7) plagued by them also. I don't like. No Wendy? Maybe next time. I'll be looking out for you. :)
Family value at its best in all three of these premiering episodes for their seasons. *thumbs up*