~I only crawled out bed around 13:20 today... though I was half awake probably at 0830ish and heard the house phone ringing... later around 9 I really woke up but even though I really needed to go to the toilet, I had started getting cramps and such so I couldn't really get up, figured I'd get up use the toilet and take some pain meds and go back to bed to wait them out... ended up lying around in bed until they'd mostly gone. Also, the previous day I got a flu vaccination and I couldn't lie on the arm I had it in. And am now quite awake.
~Last night when LJ was fixing itself (or the people behind LJ), I managed to delete a few icons and get down to an even 100! Woo. I still have way too many Bones, NCIS, CSI NY ones. Ideally I'd like to narrow those fandoms down to 2-3, but we'll see if that happens. For it to happen I'll probably have to bite the bullet and delete all except the two or three I never really remove ('the stupid it burns', tennis words, and Vampire Academy ones).
~I got another follow on a fanfiction story on ff.net the other day. On a story that hadn't been followed before, cute. :)
~On the 10th I met up with an LJ friend for the first time (theladyunicorn) and some of her friends, we saw the latest Star Trek. It was a nice change seeing new people. Except, on of her friends I recognised vaguely from volunteering at one of the conventions, so whilst I was quietly adjusting to new people during dinner and the movie (they were a bit louder than my normal movie seeing buddies I'm used to), train ride home was convention and geeky talk! The actual movie was fun, I hadn't seen the last one on the big screen just on tv so I had jumped at the chance to see it on the screen when I saw her asking around. Tiny bit of movie talk under the spoiler cut, but not really spoilerish just actors I like appearing in it, don't click if you don't want to. Plus it doesn't spoil any main characters I promise.
[Spoiler (click to open)] I felt I couldn't repress my squeal of delight/surprise when I saw Lt Cmdr Sturgis (JAG)! ♥ It was the briefest scene but I think he got some lines! I saw out of the side of my eye theladyunicornlooked at me to check it was me making the noise. Whoops. *embarrassed a bit now* Also fandom is jumping a bit at the darker toned female officer who got a mini promotion to more onscreen role. Aisha Hinds! (From Detroit 1-8-7, Dollhouse to name a few) Though she looked slightly different I knew it was her. I looked her up when I got home but both of these actors weren't on the imdb Star Trek credit listing at the time! How dare they, these guys have been around a while now. :P I had seen Aisha's name on the end movie credits but didn't bother to write down her character's name. It was something pretty normal. I'm not sure if Scott Lawrence got his name in the end movie credits... I think that's all...
Oh, I don't think I said this but 19th April? I saw Paul McDermott's 'Paul Sings' show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. He was pretty great as usual. <3 Saw it with a friend and her boyfriend. Funnily enough the bf's parents saw it that same night and ended up only a few seats from us! We had great seats despite me only booking them earlier that week. They then moved out to the foyer and did a few songs there. :)
PS why does the html for the hearts not seem to work?