So, does anyone want to tell me why they did not point out to me that Nancy from Trauma (Anastasia Griffiths) is in Once Upon a Time?? Even if its only a small arc (I have not looked it up on Imdb, yet I kind of want to be surprised if its a long/short stay).
I know I'd probably not have gone and downloaded it, but it would have made me even more excited for the air date of the show! So yes, I just saw episode 3 tonight. :) I had mistaken her in the Fairy-tale World, to be that chick Kelli Giddish from Chase & now Law & Order: SVU -because the pretty dress did not compute with the face. Not that either of them aren't pretty -I mean I'm used to seeing both of them as butch acting characters. So it was nice to think they got a change in character. I hope she gets to play just being a bit of an airhead or something...
I've been meaning to apologise for a while. I've been a pretty absent friend or reader if you will, the last two weeks or so. I've wanted to make so many rage or venting posts of angst but didn't want to plague you all. Just saying its been SO so up and down for me the last two weeks and most of it all my fault.
I could have met Eoin Colfer (
spaciireth!!) I got lost just ten minutes away from the place getting on a bus going the wrong way (I was already going to be 20 minutes late due to lab class-which again is another story of my confidence levels decreasing rapidly) so in the end I got there way too late. Not just those author trips but family things, work things, education things and general life things have all been both highly up and low down for me.
There have been days when my head was spinning from feeling everything around me but I was sitting down, its just all got a lot to deal with all of a sudden. So I withdraw, both my real life friends and online. So I'm trying to play catch up again on posts, comments and emails. :S
De-friend at will.
If anyone wants to remove me from their flist for the above happenings or any other reason feel free to do so now without me thinking anything of it. Not that anyone needs a reason if you don't want to hang around people are always free to do what they want. Oh, gosh I'm getting all philosophical and what not.
I had been meaning to ask in a poll if I should do my first f-list cut of the year before or after my birthday. But at this stage I have no energy to do so, so I'll just ask if anyone doesn't want to be on my friends list to remove themselves.