A few of this season's challenges and entries which I hadn't posted to my LJ. Collating them here.
Sure some of them didn't exactly work/turn out how I wanted them OR look good. But I had fun trying different things. And not having photoshop's easy 'cut' out tool for the photobombing was hard.
• Episode: 3x13: PHOTOBOMB!
• Ep Summary: Create a photobomb image utilizing at least one tv image.
Donatello meets Off the Map doctors.
Dragon Glaedr meets Rose Tyler (and the Ninth Doctor)
• Episode: 3x14: Lyrics to Live By
• Ep Summary: Create a graphic or fanfic inspired off a
lyric 2 live by.
Off the Map.
As always click for full size.
• Episode: 3x21: The Sorting Hat
• Ep Summary: Casting tv people as Lannisters, Hufflepuffs, Disney characters, superheroes, and oh so many more... (
options here)
Bones, click for bigger.
Tenth sorting, Fornell -NCIS.
• Episode: 3x22: What People Think I Do
• Ep Summary: Take a tv character/personality and complete a "What People Think I Do" Chart
• Ep Details: Create a graphic with the 5 categories from the perspective of a tv character.
1. What my friends think I do. 2. What my mother/father thinks I do. 3. What society thinks I do.
4. What I think I do. 5. What I REALLY do.
Click for bigger
• Episode: 3x23: Through the Years
• Ep Summary: Base your graphic on a tv character and use images showing that character through the years.
Again click for full size.
Feedback always appreciated.