The truth can hurt.

Jan 13, 2012 02:32

A short excerpt type meme snagged from direwolfdragon
Pick up the nearest book to you. Turn to page 45. The first sentence describes your sex life in 2012.

"arms around his chest. His side flared with pain, and he uttered a short grunt."
-Inheritance by Christopher Paolini

LOL- two things here, one I hurt the guy I sleep with? And two I hadn't even gotten up to that page that's how slow I've been taking my time to read this book. Currently on page *goes to check* 42. Oh, well, not too far off.

'Honestly... meme' Snagged off of dreamsofpaprika.

Honestly, what color is the shirt you're wearing now?
Light pale baby blue

Honestly, what's on your mind?
Right now... the thought of wanting to write an epic fic which I seriously doubt anyone would want to read.

Honestly, what are you doing right now?
I’m doing this meme..

Honestly, have you done something bad today?

Honestly, did you watch "Shot of Love" with Tila Tequilla?
No. Though unfortunately I vaguely know of this Tila Tequilla person... I don't think that show has come out here, or if it is its on pay tv (why somebody would pay for that is beyond me).

Honestly, who makes you happy most of the time?
People who get my imagination or brain used/distracted or friends making me have a good time.

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
Yes, there's a few people I haven't seen in ages that would be awesome to have a sleep over with.

Honestly, do you have deep secrets?
Deep? If by deep you mean dark? No, nothing too dark. The odd one or two things perhaps. But not many.

Honestly, are you an honest person?

Honestly, what are you addicted to?
LJ. Internet. TV. (Damn, this is sounding bad..)

Honestly, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I have no idea. Hopefully somewhat more successful than now.

Honestly who was your last text from?
I don’t text often. But my cousin when I was in Sydney and trying to organise a visit with her.

Honestly, what are you sick of?
My life. (A never ending cycle and its starting to feel like I don't have the strength to break it)

Honestly, what do you want right now?
A certain few people to like me enough to contact me first to hang out.

Honestly, would you use family connections to get a job?
Depends on the job, but right now? I'd almost be desperate enough to just say yes without checking the job.

Honestly, are you desperate?
No, not most of the time. I'm beginning to feel like I'm at the end of my thread though.

Honestly, have you ever made anyone cry?
No, I don't think so.

Honestly, have you ever stabbed a friend in the back?
No, not that I know of.

Honestly, have you ever lied to a boyfriend to get out of something?
No, don't have one.

Honestly, are you normally a happy person?
I'm generally content I believe.

Honestly, what makes you mad?
Myself mostly. (I'm sounding obsessed or vain now aren't I?)

Honestly, what is your greatest fear?
That I won't move into the career I hope to. (Sorry, but I believe this is holding me back right now)

Honestly, do you lie to people?
In the last three years I've done the most of this than in my entire life, never ever used to.

Honestly, are you annoying to people?
Yes, well, at least I used to be in school. Probably not that annoying to anyone because people hardly see me now.

Honestly, what would you do if you walked in on your boyfriend/ girlfriend cheating?
Maybe slap them? Always wanted to do something like that. Or depending on my mood just walk away and go cry. Haha.

Honestly, would you rather save your family member or 1000 strangers?
1000 strangers, I'd rather save to be a hero to people. But in the moment I'd rather save the family member (guess it might depend on who -but there's nobody in my family I dislike so...). Though overall I'd rather leave it up to fate to decide who gets to live (though again depends on how hard it is for me to save the person or people).

Honestly, what religion do you find most annoying?
All of the ones that clash violently with other ones or have the tendency for people to react the most violently. Or ones that just don't make any sense. I am not versed well enough in various religions to state specific ones.

Honestly, are you a "relationship person"?
As of my life I guess not, seeing as I've never had a relationship so far.

Honestly, if you can have one superpower what would it be?
Maybe that 'melting' morphing power like in Alex Mac? Or turn into some kind of animal. Otherwise I'd be here all day trying to decided between flying, invisibility or teleportation.

Honestly, Who is the last person you hugged?
My brother.

Honestly, if you could go back 3 months and change something would you?
No, I don't think there's anything in my life that I could have changed that would have made a big impact.

Honestly, who is making you laugh right now?
Right now, nobody. In general, some of the things in an episode of Chuck and CSI: NY that I saw today.

PS. Anyone I trust (mostly locals or friends I've been friends with for over a 1yr maybe) want to look over my resume for me after I finish editing it? Mostly just for typos and things, but you can do suggestions if you feel like it.

books, csi:ny, tv: chuck, now, meme, help!

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