100 Thing take 2

Nov 18, 2011 03:39

Sorry for the triple posting in the last few hours.

This is the second 100 Things meme taken from mad_jaks

Stuff I have done has been struck through.

1. Had beer.

2. Smoked an entire cigarette. I was a lot younger then.

3. Smoked a cigar (The smell alone is gag inducing)

4. Done drugs.

5. Written on a bathroom wall. (I changed the wording so there. Plus, it was the back of a toilet door. DFTBA.)

6. Read a George Orwell book. (Getting there have Animal Farm on a shelf around the house somewhere...)

7. Had a physical fight.

8. Used Twitter.

9. Listened to Lady Gaga. (How can you avoid it in the main shops?)

10. Been in a car accident.

11. Gotten suspended.

12. Gotten expelled.

13. Been allergic to something.

14. Got a computer virus. (On our old first household laptop not on mine)

15. Touched a real gun.

16. Have a dog.

17. Have a cat.

18. Been pregnant.

19. Camped out. (in the backyard when i was younge, haha)

20. Swam in the ocean.

21. Wore a bikini. (...I guess? Does it count if its a two piece yes? that's the definition right? *shrugs* IDK)

22. Driven a car.

23. Been sent to the principal. (For good things only, or to be another side of input from a situation involving my friends)

24. Ever liked someone.

25. Failed a class. (Not in high school or primary school I should add. Perfect A kind of student there)

26. Failed a test.

27. Went to summer school. (I wish)

28. Got worse than a D. (Again after 'school')

29. Read an entire book. (Has anyone not done this?)

30. Recorded my own music.

31. Had an xbox.

32. Worn heels more than 3 days in a row. (Haha, heels. You make me laugh.)

33. Wore fishnets.

34. Wore skinny jeans. (erh? Not really. I can't fit into them comforably..)

35. Been in love.

36. Hated someone.

37. Been cheated on.

38. Cheated on someone.

39. Did something sexual with someone of the same sex.

40. Practiced Christianity. (Kind of.)

41. Worn makeup.

42. Lied to my parents about where I was going.

43. Had surgery.

44. Had my license.

45. Been to college or university.

46. Graduated high school.

47. Attempted suicide.

48. Worn colored contacts.

49. Painted my nails black. (I've wanted to)

50. Broken someone’s heart. (Not that I am aware of... unless we count Matthew in Grade 4? Do we because it was another girl as well he liked and we both said no not that way...)

51. Had my heart broken.

52. Cried for an hour straight.

53. Lost something very valuable.

54. Got separated from one of my parents as a kid. (Probably, though it was so long ago I can't remember it)

56. Gotten stung by a bee.

57. Eaten something bad/expired.

58. Threw up from being so drunk.

59. Saw someone throw up from being so drunk.

60. Danced with someone of the opposite sex.

61. Owned an ipod.

62. Owned an iphone.

63. Fell for a best friend.

64. Stole a friend’s significant other.

65. Went far away from home for more than a week.

66. Moved out.

67. Ran away.

68. Teased my brother/sister.

69. Been to a hospital.

70. Had food poisoning.

71. Had a job.

72. Been fired.

73. Lied to a friend.

74. Lied to a family member.

75. Had a Facebook.

76. Posted a video on Youtube.

77. Started a rumor about someone.

78. Talked bad about someone. (rarely happens I think I can name the people on one hand..)

79. Dropped out of school. (not yet, but perhaps soon...)

80. Deliberately failed a test. (Blasphemy!)

81. Been skinny dipping.

82. Counted to a million. (not sure)

83. Counted to a thousand.

84. Ate rabbit meat.

85. Ate duck meat.

86. Had fast food.

87. Been to church.

88. Been to Canada. (It's on my to go to list)

89. Been married.

90. Had a divorce.

91. Broke a glass.

92. Hugged someone today.

93. Texted someone today.

94. Received a phone call today. (Mum! She's safe in Sydney with the family)

95. Threw something out of the window. (Do leaves count? Nah, I probably have thrown a ball or small item for someone)

96. Ignored a text from someone on purpose.

97. Had my feelings hurt by a friend and never told them.

98. Wished I was somebody else.

99. Gone on exchange. (Its been a dream of mine since middle high school, but too late. :P)

100. Gotten drunk and made out with a friend.

~Huh. I did more than i thought I had. anyway I'll find icons to upload and use another time. BED now.
Leave me icon ideas if you think there's a fandom I talk about a lot and don't currently have up or will be talking about (new show I've started) and i should have icons for please. :)

icons, indecisive me, advice, meme

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