So I've been a little slack with LJ this week. Sorry.
There's been...
~me trying to be social (Saturday night was successful, I had my first margarita [ One friend who also hadn't tried it really didn't like the taste and it was unfortunate that she chose a lemon one basically a normal one, I had mango the ice was nice for the warm
Read more... )
Np. Means less posts for me to fall behind with. :P *sigh* I really must catch up. Zach's just... in existence and sometimes it's nice to not be online awhile.
Aaaaanyway. Margarita huh? Fun times.
And then I go post like a million things in the next two days. Haha.
Not being stuck to a computer is very nice and freeing indeed. That's why I hadn't been posting much.
Yeppp. It was alright, I only had the one drink (and a sip of this very sweet cider Rekorderling?) the entire night. The enchillada I had was yummy!
Yeps, is nice indeed. Sort of took a few days off NaNoWriMo and online stuff and spent some time marathoning... but that time is over. Must write more.
Nice! And enchiladas ftw.
I didn't post for 3 days and then it looks like I posted 6 times in the space of 3 days.
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