Those new buttons seem tiny... oh, well, anyway.
I'm about to go brush my teeth and then I'll be back to edit this entry with the answers to the fandom questions meme, if you're around and have questions (or want to sumbit more!) you can do that on this entry or
that one, whilst I'm filling out answers. :)
*goes to brush teeth*
Uh, yep, I got a bit sidetracked glancing at my f-list... anyway. Questions!
(Let me just add a disclaimer that I find any type of question that I have to actually think about my personal feelings hard. INDECISIVE me.)
x_nothing_here asked me: Who is your all time favourite NCIS character and how did the season 3 of NCIS end?
All time favourite NCIS character. Wow so hard...I think...I have to go with Ducky. Because as much as I love Abby & Gibbs they have annoyed me in the past (mostly due to silly writers and they way they were writtent), and Ducky has annoyed me the least. Sure his annecdotes getting tiring, and people go "You know what Gibbs is like you should be quiet!" But obviously Gibbs puts up with it or likes it, or Ducky knows its somethign to distract him. So yes. Ducky.
How did season 3 end? Hm. Without looking it up...Ziva being put on a permanement role? I'm not quite sure, maybe we saw the start of Tony and Jeanne's relationship? I know its not Kate's arc last season... *goes to look it up*
Ah. Its the Hiatus arc, Gibbs leaving. *is sad*
bizarreoptimism: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ... does this Story require Gil Grissom to "work"? Or not?
later expressed in another way- Does_ CSI need Grissom to tell a good story?
Honestly, I thought it wouldn't be able to work...I mean yes, I know that CSI is just a crime procedural anyone can take the lead and the crimes will be the main focus, but most of the early seaons involved Grissom to a large extent. And because they can hardly forget him just like that (at least this past season) Grissom *has* still been there, guiding some of them from his previous adivce and just having been a mentor for so long! Also it doesn't hurt that Sara comes back and there's questions about how Grissom is.
I think they wrote Ray Langston as kind of Grissom's replacement, sure he was lowly CSI level. But he had a huge backstory so that was what they used. But saying that they didn't always use it, and they got to use the ensemble characters and cast a lot more which I was glad for.
I'm not sure if it can last past the next season, as just as a series it is already had a long run. But I personally don't think Grissom is needed anymore, though he'd be welcome to come back for the last episode or something similar! ;)
banana7pancakes: 1. Who's your all-time favourite Spooks character, and what happened to them?
Ahhh, Spooks there's an old show. I haven't been watching regularly since about season 5 i'd say? Anyway, it was probably Ros or Tom. Tom got set-up faked his death, and then I *think* he lived but had to leave MI-5? It felt like they were killing of everyone on that show! I'm not sure what happened to Ros, I think she's still there?...
2. If you could bring back to life just ONE Harry Potter character, from any of the seven years, who would it be?
Yikes. I figured this out the other day and I've just forgotten. Oh! I remember. Cedric. Because well, I really really wanted Cho/Harry when that was introduced, (in the film she seems different though too timid :/) but then they made her all weepy over Harry and unable to focus on him etc and just Cedric. So. Yes, either she'd be happy with Cedric or she and Harry could get to know each other properly! Also, I chose him because I'd hate myself for choosing between Severus and Remus. D: And Fred, and Hedwig, Kreacher...
3. Is there any episode of Bones that you wish had gone differently?
Ah, I could do the whole. End of season 5 they should have confronted their feelings thing, and committed more than a 'meet here'. But I'll go with Santa in the Slush (3x09): After kissing they give in to bodily desires and go back to one of their homes and make out like rabid rabbits. ;)
refuse2shine: CSI:NY: Do you prefer Aiden or Lindsay?
Let me first say. I miss Aiden. (Haha do you know where this is going yet?) I think I might have loved her more than Angell, even though I think I could connect more with Angell. Anyway let's move back to the question. Lindsay whilst seemingly annoying at first I could handle better than others because I'd seen Anna in Medical Investigation and adored her there! And I don't think I connected that much with Aiden when she was on. So I prefer Lindsay. :)
wraithness: Life: if you had to replace the fruit, what would you replace it with? ..Top 3 of possible things maybe?
A certain kind of candy bar perhaps? I's say it was something Crews used to have maybe every Friday or once a week and now he's been craving them for so long he feels that he should have one whenever he can or wants to! Hahah fat!Crews just made an impression on my mind. XD Or, I'd make his tic be something that has him touching things. As in, he has to go smell/touch the flowers or dog, or cat or whatever and then Reese never feels sorry for him when he gets stains on his clothes. I can't think of another thing it could be...