Title: History Not Forgotten
Author: weird_fin
Fandom: Detroit 1-8-7
Pairing/Characters: Louis Fitch/Ariana Sanchez
Words: 1,270
Rating/Category: PG-13/gen or hints of het
Prompt: yet another phone call from only halfway across the room
Spoilers: None really, just need to know about each characters family history.
Summary: Making plans aren’t as easy as breaking them.
Notes/Warnings: Written for
smallfandomfest FEST09 2011
Ring ring. Ring ring.
“Detective Fitch.”
“Hey, so how’s your son going? Have you talked to him lately? You never say anything about him.”
Fitch blinks and looks at the phone, he places it back to his ear.
“Who is this?” Though he thinks he recognizes the voice, honestly, he’d probably recognize it in his sleep.
“You’ve got to be kidding? You have no idea? As if Fitch…” her voice trails off as if she’s suddenly uncertain of herself.
Fitch lifts his head up and looks over to Sanchez and Stone’s desk. Where sure enough, he can see Sanchez gnawing at her pencil with a look of… well, a look of something on her face that he can’t quite place. She looks up and their eyes meet, she raises an eyebrow at him and speaks into his ear.
“You’re sure you don’t know who this is? Really?” she looks at him suspiciously before sighing and moving to place the phone back onto her desk.
“Wait.” He sees her pause the phone a few inches from her ear, her eyes still haven’t left his.
“I was just playing with you. Can’t you take a joke, Ariana?”
He sees her swallow at the sound of her first name falling from his lips.
She doesn’t do anything for a moment but then pulls the receiver closer to her ear and nods once, “Of course I can joke, Fitch. But, you don’t really seem to. And you’re ignoring my question how goes it with your son? Washington rarely gets some information from you. But for the rest of us? We get even less.”
“The whole squadron doesn’t need to know that my son likes tacos and plays baseball these days. And nobody needs to have more leverage over me.”
“Leverage? He’s just your son, what harm is a little socializing every now and then?”
“Exactly. He’s my son. Not goin’ to risk that.”
He hears he sigh and sees her flick a ball of paper across her desk and into the side bin on the floor.
“Where’s Stone? And why are you calling me? Don’t you have any work to be doing?”
He looks back at his computer screen, hardly daring to hope for a reply that would interest him. Or more specifically one that tells him that she’s still interested in him.
He’s seen the looks passing between Stone and her recently, and nobody needed to be a detective to see that the intern Wendy was hiding something, some secret that was surrounding Sanchez and Stone. But he was a detective and a damn good one at that and he read more into it than anyone at the station and he also had more riding on it.
“Fitch? You still here?”
Damn. He’d just missed what she’d been saying.
“Yeah, still here sorry. Just thinking about my son, he’s growing so fast.”
“Oh. Yeah… yeah it must be hard being away from it all.”
He grunts a non-committal reply and tries back-tracking the conversation, “So you have no work to do?”
She laughs and he almost jumps out of his chair in surprise, in wonder, he wishes he could hear something like that more often.
“You really missed all of that? I said” she laughs again, “Stone went to the morgue to finalise details on the last case and I’m stuck here with nothing to do since I just finished our paperwork. I guess there’s always the fun of the inventories but…I’d rather not. So that’s why I was calling you, to check up on you. See if things were going okay with you. They are aren’t they?”
He nods before he remembers that this isn’t a face to face conversation and he glances up seeing that she caught his nod.
“Good.” She smiles at him from across the room.
“Good” he replies.
“Do you have plans tonight?”
“Plans?” Fitch breaks eye contact and plays with his Grand Canyon paperweight.
“Yeah, plans. Normal people make them, with friends, family even co-workers. Do you have any for tonight?”
“Um, no. Why?”
“Great! So want to take me out on that drink you offered?”
“Uh. Drink? Sure. But wasn’t that like… well, months ago? I thought you’d forgotten that…”
The confusion in his voice is clear, she sighs.
“Yeah well, I have a good memory. Its been a tough few weeks so, thought a change of pace might be good for the both of us yeah?”
“What is it, Fitch?”
“Uh, nothing. Hey, by go out for drinks is this just the two of us… or….”
“Yes, just us two. Why? You want me to invite Stone and Wendy too or something?” she teases.
“No!” he pauses, “Um, that was a bit strong wasn’t it?”
“Just a little much.” She replies evenly.
“But can you imagine? That’s well, probably the most awkward group for drinks ever.”
“Probably,” Sanchez agrees, “Hey, I’ve gotta go I think that’s Stone calling me on my cell he said he might pick up some burgers on the way back, probably forgotten what I ordered.” She laughs.
“Sure, shouldn’t come in between a woman and her food I’ve found out.”
“Really? When…ah damn missed the call. We’ll talk about these mystery women you’ve been trying to starve tonight, okay?”
“Alright, I look forward to it Ariana.”
“So?” Sanchez asks as she takes their drinks to a small table at the side or the bar.
“So what?” Fitch looks at her a little strangely as if he’s missed half of their conversation already.
“So how many, where, and why?” she replies before taking her first swig of her beer.
“Uh, I’m still not following…” he takes his drink but doesn’t lift it to his mouth just yet.
“How many women have you been trying to starve?” Sanchez smirks, having gotten one over the famous detective beside her.
“Oh. None.”
“How did you find out that its best not to mess with a lady’s food then?” she takes another mouthful of beer.
“Oh, my wife. Ex-wife. When she was pregnant with…” he mumbles and takes a swig of his own beer.
Sanchez just nods, and looks at him, “its okay you know. To have a past, we all do.”
Fitch just shrugs.
“I’m sure a hormonal pregnant lady is way worse than just somebody like me not getting their food correct on a day to day basis.”
“Maybe,” he takes another mouthful of his beer and swallows before adding, “But you have a gun.”
Sanchez laughs, and Fitch relaxes suddenly.
Ring ring. Ring ring.
Damn, he’d been getting caught up in thinking, not daydreaming just, thinking, about what tonight could mean.
“Detective Fitch.”
“Hey it’s me -Sanchez again, sorry Fitch, but I’m going to have to make it another night now. My mama just called and…well I need to help her out with something tonight. Sorry. Can we make it tomorrow maybe? Or Saturday night? I’ll cook you dinner even…”
“Ah, sure, no problem another time is fine.”
“No, really, let’s set another date right now. Is Saturday seven at my place okay?”
“Sure, sounds good.”
“Great! I’ll see you then.”
Sure, he was disappointed that their meet up wasn’t today, but he was also relieved. Now he had two whole days to try and plan what he was going to talk about. What things he’d try to leave out, whether or not he wanted to mention his ex-wife at all…two days wasn’t nearly enough time to psych himself up to truly meet Ariana but he couldn’t help but think that it was too long a wait at the same time.