Title: Laying It Out
Fandom/Character(s)/Pairing(s): Life - Dani Reese, Charlie Crews, Ted Earley - Reese/Crews
Genre: Drama/Mystery
Rating: Gen
Words: 333
Challenge/Prompt: Challenge 11- 333 Words
Warnings: n/a
Summary: "Faster Reese you can do this..." As she turned the corner she let out a small sigh of relief.
“Keep your head low,” she told herself muttering it under her breath, “Wait, not too low, just angle it away from the street, away from him. He won’t see you if you don’t draw attention to yourself, just keep walking. Faster, c’mon Reese you can do this…” As she turned the corner she let out a small sigh of relief.
Okay, now all she had to do was make it to her car without being seen. She turned the next corner and saw no one waiting for her, so she opened the car’s trunk and placed the box gently onto the floor.
Opening the driver’s door and sliding into her seat she gave another little sigh, she was just nervous, how hard could it be to deliver one little package without him knowing?
As she started the engine she bit the inside of her cheek as all the stupid ways he could catch her doing this came back to her. She pulled out into the traffic and vowed to at least get to his house before the game was up.
When she pulled into his driveway she noticed that his car wasn’t around, but she didn’t get her hopes up because knowing him, he could have left it half a neighborhood away and walked home. It wouldn’t surprise her.
So as she balanced the box in one arm and fought for the right angle to open the door at, she had her guard up at all times readying herself for a surprise so that she didn’t drop the box. The surprise never came though, and she managed to open and set it out before anyone walked in.
She heard a noise and called out, “Crews? Ted?”
And a few moments later both men walked into the kitchen and stopped when they saw the luscious cake with clearly fresh fruit toppings plated up before them on the bench top.
“For me?” Crews wondered aloud with a startled expression.
“Yeah, for you. Happy birthday, Crews.”