All 3 memes taken from
banana7pancakes Meme ichi.
Tag meme (and no that does not mean I have to tag people thankfully.)
1) How many tags do you have?
456 tags.
2) What is your most-used tag, and how many uses does it have?
‘meme’ has 141 total uses.
3) Alphabetically, what is your fifteenth tag?
• afl (australian football league) - 8 uses
4) By usage, what is your tenth tag?
• actors - 57 uses
5) When was the first time you used your most-used tag?
28 JUNE 2008
6) What was your last entry about using your first alphabetical tag?
• (book) ranger's apprenctice - 2 uses. A recap of seeing Harry Potter 7 Pt1 early early at IMAX and a day in the city.
7) What is your shortest tag?
Two tags are equally short. lj and tv.
8) What is your longest tag?
• white rabbits (first day of the month!) - 1 use -39 characters
9) What tags are you shocked to see are used so much and so little?
I guess I hadn’t thought ‘music’ would be such a higher tag…I don’t normally think about it. ‘biology’ has only been used once which is odd.
10) What tag are you going to use for this meme?
Meme ni.
[E-mail address: ]
[If you could be one of the planets on our solar system, which would you be and why.]
~Used to think maybe Pluto. But that ain’t a planet anymore. Maybe I’d still like to be it and shun being a planet, you are what you are. ;) If I had to choose a ‘planet’ though, maybe Neptune?
[What is the first thing you do in the morning]
~drink and eat.
[What hairstyle do you go for]
Not overly fussed. Right now it’s about shoulder length, slightly layered and no fringe.
[How much does your phone bill cost each month]
~Most of the time less than < $10AUS.
[If you could shave something into your head, what would it be]
I don’t know….
[If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be ]
I kind of want to see what I’d look like warm blonde/brown…or red hair.
[If you could have a tattoo what would it be]
-I don't want a tattoo
[If you could be any animal, real or imaginary, what would it be ]
~Either a Pokémon of some sort, or maybe familiar or animal from the Harry Potter universe…
[Your favorite Mentos commercial]
~Really this is a question? There was one a while back that made critics harsh reviews on it but I can’t remember it exactly…oh that ‘nipple’ one. Yeah, odd one that. It was not my favorite, just memorable.
[The color of your toothbrush ]
~Green and white.
[The color of your toothpaste ]
~White and red but the red kind of looks like pink or peach because its less than half full and less separate.
[Half empty or half full]
-Half empty or half full. Depends.
[What is on your ceiling]
~Two lights, beige-y paint, plaster
[Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos ]
~Don’t know what Cool Ranch is. So I’d have to say Nacho Cheese Doritos.
[Your favorite character from the Breakfast Club]
~Never seen it.
[Coke or Pepsi]
~Pepsi tastes more interesting and is nice. But most of the time Coke thanks.
[The way to eat an Oreo]
~However the mood strikes. Usually a little bite and then a little flick of the tongue to taste some filling. :P
[Favorite kind of milk]
~Normal cold cow’s milk from the shops.
[If you were to kill someone, which method would you choose]
~Probably either strangulation or some form of physical exertion or something like poison. First because the reason would be personal or intense and immediate, other cold and calculated and hopefully untraceable. But you know…if I was that crazy probably none of those because you might be able to track me. ;)
[Do you type with all ten fingers on the correct keys ]
~Doubt it. I was always a horrible typer. And we didn’t really learn to type or touch type in school…
[Have you ever been attacked by a really big dog]
~No, not really… kind of felt that way maybe…
[Do you ever save aol conversations]
~Don’t have AOL.
[Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork]
~Don’t have chicken fingers really. We used to have fish fingers (I don’t think chicken fingers were sold back then)
[Do you eat the stems of broccoli ]
~Yes, but not the really hard bits if they aren’t cooked to my liking.
[If you could be anything in the kitchen, what would you be]
~A hand held whisk, most of the time sitting still then have bouts of exercise, and get to be wet once finished.
[If you could be a gardening tool, what would you be ]
~ A rake, they kind of looks pretty with their fanned out heads
[What kind of shoe would you be if you could be a shoe ]
~ Some type of mostly enclosed shoe probably. But a little odd looking.
[Jello or mud wrestling ]
~Hm, I think I’ve wanted to try both when I’ve seen them on tv shows and things. But not in those skimpy outfits. Mud would be slipperier and jelly would be interesting…
[What is under your bed ]
~A 10-in-1 small billiards and other games table, and some old bags of stuff from kindergarten (prep for USA I think) and the like. And two boxes of shoes.
[If you could be a character from an animation, which one would you be ]
~I don’t know… Genie from Aladdin?
[What chocolate chip cookies you like best ]
~Any. Also depends on the day. Softer, crunchie, warm, dark choc, milk, white, triple….
[Ever laughed so hard that liquid (milk or whatsoever) come out of your nose ]
~Maybe once? I think…
[Why does the chicken cross the road]
~Because if it didn’t you wouldn’t be able to ask the question
[Chicken or egg comes first]
[Are you a mover, a shaker, or a couch potato]
~Probably a potato these days…but sometimes a mover and/or shaker.
[Which is better: remembering names or faces]
~Faces I guess? I think I do better on faces too.
[how many dates before the first kiss ]
~Depends and I wouldn’t be the first one you should ask.
[Is it wrong to be homosexual]
~No (I could go into more but I shall leave it at that. I am tired.)
[Why are you taking this survey anyway]
-I'm bored. It was in the batch I saw banana7pancakes post yesterday, and I wanted to do at least the tag one so…
[What do you think of this survey ]
~Square brackets are…different.
Meme San!
Does anyone of the opposite sex have the same name as you?
~Probably…somewhere in the world…
You watch The Simpsons right?
~Not really haven’t seen it regularly in years.
Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
~Feeling sick right now and even more before starting these memes.
Would you consider painting your bedroom purple?
~Yeah maybe.
Are there any posters in your room?
~Poster one ‘Kobenhaven’ dad got travelling, poster two ‘sea voyage on wheels Brighton’, and a times table poster (now with a new Doctor Who 2011 calendar half covering it!)
Have you ever lit a candle?
~Yes. Birthday cakes, of course. :P
What is the closest thing to you that is striped?
Have you ever owned your own car?
Have you ever dropped a baby while holding it?
~Gosh NO! I doubt I would have lived; I would have died of shame. :S
Have you ever eaten so much candy you thought you would die?
~Not lollies but food in general, yes.
Do you actually wear every shirt in your dresser?
~Not all tops from my cupboard get used. I can never be bothered to get ones from the bottom. :P
Where is the closest trash can to you?
~In the bathroom (I’m sitting in my bedroom right now)
Have you ever thrown up in that trashcan?
Would you ever live in Hawaii?
~Maybe. Do I get Alex O’Loughlin living with me too? XD
Do you actually have manners?
~Yes, I try.
Would you rather eat 10 spiders or die?
~Depends on the type of spiders and type of death. Those normal fried tarantulas? *makes a face* I guess if I have to…
When you were a kid, did you like Barney?
~YES. That is all.
Do your parents approve of the music you listen to?
~Probably not as much anymore. But I like listening to dad’s normal Western music when he does play that so that’s fine as we used to do. ‘classics’ etc.
Do you keep in touch with your cousins?
~Kind of. Some more than others of course, since there are a few more on my mother’s side. The ones living in our state we see a handful of times a year. Some of the others interstate maybe once a year sometimes not.
Have you ever had a crush on a 2nd or 3rd cousin?
~2nd or 3rd? I don’t know which ones would be they.
Have you ever kissed a boy named Justin?
~No. Why, would you be jealous?
Do you own your own laptop?
~It was given/bought for me so I guess…but I don’t like saying so.
Are you legal to drink?
Has anyone said you have changed lately?
Do you know anyone that smokes weed?
~Kind of. Not really though, had one class with them in ’09 maybe?
Sung karaoke?
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name starts with a P?
Would you rather MJ, Black, White or Dead?
~Not deigning this with an answer.