Ugh tired. Sore. Headachey. Hayfevery. Sickish. Post-exam happier. (Grammar and sense failing) And tomorrow I'm getting up even earlier than today. Today was 7am for 9am exam an hour away...blugh. When all my classes had been at 10:30. Tomorrow have to be IN the city by 7am! *headdesk* (Edit: this is probably a good thing if it turns out. ^^)
I have no energy/time for the meme will try and update later...hopefully not tonight. XD
Oh oh. To make things better/worse I thought there was Serenity: Those Left Behind on a library shelf but asked them to transfer it and they came up empty. Some browncoat doesn't deserve their coat! *vents sneezes at them*
EDIT: Happy birthday
spoonyriffic! Hope its a good one! I miss hearing your updates. ♥ *hugs*