Hadn't laughed out loud in so long

Nov 09, 2010 23:26

8x04 Royal & Loyals
Whoa. Much Gibbs/Abby love?! Abs got a whole lotta lovin’ from Gibbs this ep! But *sighs* at the Tony/Ziva end. I really liked the episode overall. :) Attack of the orange watch too! My brother loved how it got the 'centre' of attention at one point...he really really wants that watch. Heh.

Since I really didn't want to push my luck yesterday with the way things were going (slightly better today I have 1/2 interviews down, recycled a WHOLE load of newpaper magazines that have been stacking up and watched New Tricks -which I must say I never thought would cheer me up as much as it has!) I didn't want to post anything but I wanted to post that demented ruined meme because I had spent over an hour on it and that's all I had to show for it. :S

Anyway. Catching up.

30 day letter meme
Day 8 - Your favorite internet friend:
Dear too many of you to count,

I have ones that I never talk to anymore that mean things to me and then this past 5-12 or so months I've gotten so many new LJ friends that it feels like some of them I've known for years! badcobear, banana7pancakes, borg_princess, ch_leesha, cinderella81, ellen_cullen, how_we_dance2, jbirdsoars, jessicabeth, kaylashay81, layne67, mad_jaks, pebblegosling, pyroclastic, schnullybaby, snowdarkred, spaciireth, sunsweats, wraithness, x_nothing_here, xfirefly9x.

Some of you I obviously don't know as closely as others but I feel that knowing and your perspective on the world has really made me into who I am. If I ever get all high and snooty on you I'm sure you'll be there to kick me back down! ;)


Day 9 - Someone you wish you could meet:
~Dear flist I wish I could meet all of you because if we were all in the same room whoaaa that'd be crAzY.

~Dear __ 13066301, badcobear, beandelphiki, ch_leesha, jessicabeth, layne67, lemon_lovely, m_stiefvater, mad_jaks, mcalex22, pebblegosling, pintsizeninja, pyroclastic, schnullybaby, semirose, snowdarkred, spaciireth, spoonyriffic, sunsweats, watchmebe, wraithness, x_nothing_here, xfirefly9x

I'd also more specifically like to met these people in real life, not because they are awesome. :P But because they have such distinctive personalities that come through the internet and reach me I am incredibly interested in how they act in person! I know a few would be quieter (or do I?) and others are as loud as their CAPSLOCK. But yes, my brain makes up all these possibilities...

~Even MORE specifically from that list i'd like to meet: m_stiefvater and watchmebe - these guys are authors, who I've seen their tours online and videos and what not and they seem SO interesting. Maggie's thoughts, and Jackson's energy and love of musicals. <3



Watch from 8.45 (so its less than a minute...)

*still bent over laughing*

I was actually laughing. out. loud. I had to re-play it a couple of times before I could get over it!

I think it caught me by surprise (well it certainly did for Jack! XD) and awesome HBIC Sandra! You don't see them running and having many action sequences in this show..this episode had at least THREE! I adored Sandra's little smirk (later in the ep) when Sandra realises that she caught the 'burglar who got away' from police years ago! I think I adore it even more than any smirk that Brennan or Cam pulled this season... because Sandra is your 'average' to just above average middle aged woman who isn't super smart but knows how to get her way, so seeing her get the best of a suspect like that was awesome.

Unlike when she and Brian go to find a different suspect earlier(?) in the episode and he's too agile and fit for them to bound out of a window and off a roof...


EDIT: Happy birthday jbirdsoars ! Same day as one of my closer friends. Heh, must be a good day to be born. :P Hope it was lovely.

And I watched the first double pilot episode of Monk again last night, wow, memories. So re-watching the 1st season. And wow I didn't know Sharona came back during the last season? That's excellent. A shame she left because they didn't care about side characters then. :/

tv: new tricks, amazing!moment, ncis, lj birthdays, video, funny, lj friends, amusing behaviour, youtube, authors, tv: monk, meme

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