I don't know if I'm going to post my reviews on things tonight so I'll just mention what's been happening the past few days for me.
Friday as you might
know, I did my oral presentation had a run in with the Police and went to a friends birthday get together -which was quite awesome. Saturday I went and saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice with one of my friends from the previous night, then hung around the centre (started reading Artemis Fowl latest) to have dinner with another group of friends from high school who were going to see Tomorrow When the War Began after dinner. A mix up occurred and they weren't going to have dinner (which was the part I was only going for since I'd already seen TWTWB) but since it was (and still is for anyone near a Village Cinema!) Village Movie Club movie of the week its only $10 for any ticket until Thursday. So since I wasn't spending the money on dinner and was already there I decided to see it again (my first movie I've seen more than once in a theatre!) Obviously I don't think its too bad an adaptation if I saw it again, right? Well guess you'll have to wait for my round up post (if I get around to it). Then Sunday I was at home, relaxing a bit. Because that Sat night I got home my brother decided we had to watch The Dark Knight because dad got it when he went overseas and it premieres Sunday night so we should see it before it airs on tv. Haha. So late night and exhausting two days meant late sleep in until 1pm. Today I caught up with another friend from high school who didn't end up going to the movie thing Saturday night. Which was a good catch up! :)
So I've seen in total 12 people from high school in 72 hourrs! Not bad at all for my first few days of mid semester break. Best ever I'd say!
Now I've got a pile of leisure reading, s1 Glee that only works with sound on the PS3 not our dvd player...and ficathon and short story competitions to write for! *pats forehead* Oh, and I better not forget to eat or sleep...
Tonight continued a little good mood. Watched the next episode of Covert Affairs (season1 ep6) and *laughs* Lauren Holly (Director Sheppard from NCIS!) was on it! She actually plays fragile woman really well...I was pleasantly surprised and impressed.
Then there was a CSI:NY repeat (3.4 Hung out to Dry) was on too! Awe-som-e. :D (Yes, the emoticon resurfaces I think I deserved to use it to sum up most of this post.)