Aug 27, 2009 01:43
I had a really good day, right? I made jam, I hung out with friends, milkshakes were drunk and fries were eaten, etc, etc.
But for some stupid reason I can't even figure out, I forgot to set the TV to record Leverage, and absolutely nobody bothered to check that it was being recorded. Luckily for me, it will eventually end up on the TNT website. But some of the people of this household don't like watching TV on a computer screen, so unless I can figure out how to hook my computer to the TV (at least we've got wireless internet) they're screwed over. And does TNT repeat their show at all ever? No, apparently not. Why would anyone ever need to watch reruns in this day and age?
Fail. Fail on everyone's part.
And it was the Wil Wheaton episode! I'd been talking about that for the past two weeks!
And now I have to wait and wait and wait for it to show up online- preferably by the hand of the channel that owes it, but I'm a desperate gal.