Jun 16, 2004 07:04
well on this morning instead of sleeping like everyone else does most of the time around 5 am i tried to get to bed. then i thought how am i suppose to fine new people when i sleep all morning. well i get out of bed take a shower to wake me up, put some clean clothes on and walk downstairs. my dad gives me this weird look like what the hell you doing. i told him i wanted to go for a walk. so after 3 times of forgetting things like a belt and hat i'm on my way. so i started to walk to the lake which is a little less than a mile. its still a bit dark but that doesn't bother me. takes me about 10 minutes to see the lake and i'm constantly looking back that the beautiful clouds that are a pinkish purple. i start to remember all the things i've do at this lake like fishing, biking around it many times, and crying at my first heart break. i realized why there are places like this, to grow up with. well i keep walking in content at life's beauty. i get to the end of the lake when i see the first person of the morning, she said good morning so i said it back it was like there was nothing wrong in the world. i walk a bit more around the lake and i see a splash in the water i keep looking thinking its a duck since i havn't seen fish in that lake in 5 years cuz its part of the rouge river. so i think is this fish or foul, then i thought thats kind of a rhyme thing i made a poem but i can't remember it cuz i didn't write it down. so i start to walk back when i get to the bridge its a pretty big bridge for crossing a river, but i see the splash again this time i see its a fish and this fish had to be a foot and a half long very big. so a kept watching it and made another ditty, i watch the fish till dawn made it disappear. yea i know its not good but it sounded really cool in my head. i got off the bridge and took a side track to the back area to brad's house. when i got there his dad had just gotten up for work, so i talk to him for a bit. after talking i headed home, the route i took so often as a kid going home from brad. it was well worth the no sleep but my body will hate me in a bit.