well if i didn't call you i'm sorry but something like this showed up tonight and it was so cool. i think the northern light are coming to michigan. and thats just crazy. well and that would be the second crazyist thing to happen the first was when the sky rained sulfer rain and the aftermath was the sky was yellow. i was a kid and it freaked me out just like this did.
i was driving home from hanging with brad and doing some studying which is more then i would do at home. so i try to call rachel and shes helping greg with hw when i notice that there are weird clouds in the sky. they slowly get bigger and brighter and the sky turned like a curtain of green with a clear sky eye at the top of the sky. well mind you i was driving and sorving all over the road. so you kids in kzoo didn't beleive me and thought i was crazy but i win cuz i found out you did see it. hahaha well i wish i got a picture of it. but i'm glad i saw it.