Jun 20, 2006 22:03

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh screwed day.....had my 'bestest' experience with the train service here......bloody bloody screwed up...pardon the swearing....but i dont care.........
I finished my exams at like 4.15 today....went supermarket buy abit of stuff.....4.50 reach train station.....went to the platform....train was waiting there.....i was like 'so shoik, timing so nice' the next thing i know, there was this announcement OUTSIDE of the train, on the platform, informing the passangers IN the train that it would not be running today due to some technical problems.....how the heck do u expect people in the train to hear.....bloody......cant they use the train intercom??????so everyone got off black faced.....the next announcement came saying that to change trains at another platform, imagine 5pm leh......peak hour leh.....packed train, everyone chiong to another platform........i follow lor....imagine the shock i got when i got to the other platform..........packed like sardines, imagine cityhall peak hour with like 2 times the people, it was so packed that people started to sort of run backwards on the escalator, WHICH WAS GOING UP!!!!!!! machaim do treadmill meh.......then comes the ultimate one, another announcement saying that the train is going to be late by 12minutes.....i was like........argh.......i was stuck in this tiny little corner by the escalator.....du lan.......went out of the station.........and waited for the damn thing to pass......it didnt.......became worst......another announcement came....no train to xxx direction today from this station, all trains run direct from the main trainstation out............even more du lan.......boiling inside.....meant i had to walk to another station to take the bloody train....taking into account i bought a 2 litre bottle of juice, a bottle of ketchup and the biggest cauliflower that was on sale....at least 5kg .............was swearing .....why keh kiang go buy the biggest cauliflower......so walk lor.....in like 12degree weather.....dressed in like a bloody jumper.....distance was like bugis to cityhall lor.........reached the station.....went to the correct platform......another shit announcement came.......train departing from platform 13.........by now i already face black black liao....damn du lan...about to explode......went to this platform...doubt its even in regular use......shit all over the place....dono bat or bird poo....anyways.......was supossed to take the 550pm train......610 havent arrive lor..........finally arrives at 6.15.......another announcement came........train not taking passangers.......i fucking want to kill someone with my cauliflower liao........... then another announcement came.......train will be spilt into 2 before taking passangers.....at least better.....but that was a 5 carriage train....and they spilt it into a 3 and 2 carriage......how the heck to u call a 2 carriage train a bloody train?????????and guess what.....i reach home at 630..................
15 mins and i was home.....and guess how long it took today......almost 1.5 bloody hours....on top of that....i was hungry.............argh..............
guess this is the best experience with their so called 'world class' transport system..........or they might even surprise me with something even better.................................
pissed pissed pissed......hope the whole train system juz collapse..........the damn thing is too long overdue for a major overhull......................till next time......
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