Oct 31, 2010 02:10
[ To anyone who's interacted with Senjogahara before, you'll notice her voice sounds a little more... strained than usual. ]
Not that there was much humor to it in the first place, but this really isn't funny anymore.
[ There's a pause. ] I wouldn't suppose there happens to be a man named "Oshino" living in the village?
[ During the day, Senjogahara can be found wandering around the village, visibly agitated. She's dressed as a Japanese ghost, with a white robe and a paper triangle on her forehead... but most importantly, and perhaps the most unsettling, is the fact that her legs fade away, leaving her with no feet. Her leg movements don't quite match up when she moves: she's floating, and it's disturbing her more than she's letting on.
The hallucinations aren't helping, but she's looking for something. Someone. Someone she needs to find. She's pretty sure he's not here, but she's looking anyway. ]