Hi everyone!
I know that the most important thing is being healthy and feeling good about yourself, but lately, people I know have been telling me I look great and that they can’t believe how much weight I’ve lost. My sister has been telling me for months that I’m shrinking, but I didn’t believe her. She’s family, after all; she’s legally obligated to be nice to me.
Though my weight has gone down significantly in the last year, and I’ve had to buy new (Goodwill) clothes because my jeans keep falling down, it wasn’t until I decided to track down an older photo of myself and compare it to a recent one that I realized how far I'd come.
This is me (right) and my friend killing some before a hockey game. February 2008. I think I weighed somewhere in the 190s here.
And this is me (at 159) from last week, taken at work. Heehee.
I really hadn’t thought I’d lost that much weight, but here was actual proof that people weren’t “just being nice.” I was so overwhelmed, I started crying. Not only was it good for my self esteem, I am now even more motivated to keep up with my workouts and eating right.
I gained all this weight in the nine years since I moved to Oregon; I am less than ten pounds away from my pre-move weight.