Oct 21, 2009 09:31
What is your name?: Sheila
And, how old would you claim to be?: 23
How tall are you?: 5'3"
What was/is your starting weight?: 190-somthing
What do you currently weigh?: 188
This would mean you have lost how much to date?: about 7 pounds give or take
Sometimes mini-goals work best. If you have one, what is it?: To fit into the clothes in my closet again! I hardly fit into any of them, which are mostly Juniors Large.
What weight would you like to settle at?: Don't know yet, I gotta see what I am okay with once I get there.
What exactly is your plan of action to reach your goal(s)?: I have cut out cholesterol from my diet, and am adding more whole grains and fruit. I already eat lots of veggies and nuts. I will also slowly introduce exercise back into my life. I tend to jump in too quickly and give up in a month or two so I have to make sure that doesn't happen again.
Most of us have figured out what doesn't work, so we want to know what works for you: Cutting out sugar. I am addicted to sweets. Thats about the only thing that works, is going off the sugar. But I have to learn to control how much I eat instead of cutting it out completely, because someone always has to do everything they can to make me eat sugar with them so they don't feel as guilty and once I give in, there you go, I gain twenty pounds cuz I go sugar crazy. I really am quite addicted.
Do you have anything else to add?: I was in the middle of losing a crapload of weight I gained from medications, and I was quite successful at it simply by cutting out sweets. But, due to many reasons all balled together over the last three years (career change, getting a car, new friend who dragged me out to eat as much as possible, and moving in with a boyfriend who won't eat anything but fast food but of course is still incredibly healthy and lean) I gained about 30 pounds and have been unsuccessful in keeping it off. Someone is always there to sabotage me and I gain it back again! Then I gained even more when I figured what the hey, I'll eat it, I'm already fat. These are all problems I am barely learning to overcome, so I am finally getting somewhere, but it will be slow, I think.
Also, If anyone has any ideas to help me curb my sugar cravings, it would be helpful. It was suggested that I eat more fruit, but I hate most of it, so I'm going to try, but I need to have other ideas as well. I can't always have fruit stocked up in the house. The fruit can only sit around for so long before I refuse to eat it.
I'd appreciate any feedback from people who have dealt with similar issues and have learned to overcome them, I'd love to know what has worked for you.
Good luck to everyone already doing the challenge! I'll be joining you soon!