Feb 03, 2010 16:49
I went snowshoeing! It was hard, but I did it! We did a 2.5 hour hike around Bear Lake and Nymph Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. The ranger said you burn around 800 calories per hour of snowshoing in that area since there is a LOT of up. It was very beautiful, and I had to go really slow, but I still did the entire hike! I was afraid I wouldn't make it because of my back, but I just went really slow. The ranger that guided our tour was great. He gave me lots of tips on how to walk and go up steep hills without hurting my back. It was so fun that I'm going to plan on going again as soon as work allows. RMNP is only about an hour from my house, so I could make a day trip of it.
I hope all of you are taking up challenges to help yourselves!