Apr 28, 2006 00:10
I have enough to deal with, now I have attacking whipped topping cans!
Lilly is getting taller by the second I SWEAR. What she couldn't reach on tip toes upon the counter the day before she can today! She tippey toes reaches the whipped topping can on counter as I'm making ice creams (complete with waffle cone bowls, hot fudge and cherries on top) for kids and works the can to edge w/her itty bitty fingers. Can get's top heavy and tips over and jabs her in the eye that ALREADY IS SWOLLEN HALF CLOSED from the Sam's Club tumble. It squirted topping slightly on her eyelids but not much. We all go OH NO!! NOT AGAIN!! I'm cleaning topping out of her eye and she's pissed, I totally understand my precious! There's a scratch/slash on the tender undereye skin almost from the inner corner down to about middle of her eye area. The points on those topping squirter cans are SHARP! Put that in your things to protect our kids from book! Never thought that would be a tip HUH?
Now I can't go anywhere for fear someone dork will want to call protective services! And all I need is someone up my butt about my parenting or lack thereof skills.